Xbox One What are you guys most excited for with bf4?


Active Member
Aug 2, 2013
  • Levolution
  • New Weapons
  • Brought-Back Weapons
  • Naval Warfare
  • Jet Dogfights
  • Possible 2-Seater Jets
  • Improved Land Vehicle Physics
  • Counter-Knifing
  • Barret M82A3 .50
  • Flickering The Lights On and Off in Rooms with Light Switches (So enemies **** their pants)

Of all of the things that are going to be in BF4, what are you most interested in toying with, shooting, driving, looking at or just overall experiencing? Put other things down as a comment if you are excited for Something Else! :)

I'm personally excited for the levolution feature, everything else isn't necessary in my opinion. Though I still like them :D

It ain't Ace Combat, but this will have to do until the new one comes out.
Also, terrain destructuion, that is something that has been the norm nowadays and i can't do without now.
Levolution looks amazing,not just the big set pieces but smaller things like throwing a grenade and closing the door or shooting the fuse and turning on night vision. I also obviously cant wait for 64 player matches.
im excite to die allot... lol

i mean really i am an odd player to play with. ive gotten shot and given props to a player in the lobby after for a nice kill on me.
their is so many ways to play bf4 it seems that its a fps but has vehicles and diffrent controls.. the fact the game seems more tactical and not just a run and gun has me excited.

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