What are your hobbies besides gaming?


Former Moderator
Mar 29, 2012
I personally have none, and i'm wondering if there are any fun things to do other then game.
Well, I think it really depends on what interests you. My hobbies are not limited to gaming. I kayak, write, read, play music, cook, and many other activities that I consider to be hobbies. Are you serious when you say all you do is game?
You could always pick up something more "creative" oriented. Drawing or writing is pretty simple to get into, and require pretty much no preparation or equipment.
I'm a huge fan of Laser Tag and it's always fun travelling to different arenas to play the game, other than that I like to travel, photography, listen to music as well as being a bit of a foodie.
Gaming can't possibly be your ONLY hobby, OP. I'm sure you like listening to music, or something along those lines. As for myself, I love gaming first of all, but I have quite a few other hobbies I thoroughly enjoy as well. When I'm not gaming, I spend my time working on web servers or video game servers, watching anime, Text Roleplaying, and building computers. I can't even remember how many times I've started working on a game server in the evening, only to look up from my monitor and realize it's already into the afternoon of the following day. Honestly, other then gaming that's the only thing that can just completely steal hours upon hours away from my day.
Hobbies other then gaming? Developing games :) . Now I'm not exactly capable of producing games such as Call of Duty and such however I'm building up to that. I'm currently attempting more simple games such as an Endless-Running-Game.
I have a few hobbies, and I prefer to keep it that way, since they say a person that’s the jack of all trades is a master of none. I’m mostly into anything related to art (traditional and digital), and I’ve been getting into 3D lately.

Just the fact that it requires more research and perseverance to accomplish makes it so enjoyable for me to learn individually. And being able to create something and express it to others to hopefully create impact is always something worth working hard for in my opinion.

I like to meditate, draw, write and narrate about things, research on the human mind and the psyche and anything psychologically related. I love getting into philosophical contemplation about all sorts of things and I end up getting into looking for more information and insight from others.

I used to attempt Lucid Dreaming before, but I guess that wouldn’t be a hobby. Although it’s probably the best thing to do since it’s all for free in your natural sleep anyway. I’ve been through countless numbers of dreams and game-related experiences that it just adds on to creating a natural feeling of having the joy for learning anything really.

Lately I’ve had dreams so detailed that it’s hard to bring them all together, and the actual recalling of dreams was a fun habit to get into to be honest.

Though Art in its many forms are pretty much my one of my few driving forces in life. And most importantly, anything that can develop overall cognition and learning, who wouldn’t want to do that?
My hobbies besides gaming are pretty much cars & design. I love learning too. I think the key to life is to never stop learning and bettering yourself. It's the only way that you'll come out on top in the end!

Being a graphic designer for a living, I find it hard for my life not to revolve around designing, drawing & creating. Even when I'm playing games, I'm constantly looking at how to improve the graphics or what could be included and changed. Sometimes it can get annoying though, when I want to just relax and enjoy it.
I collect comic books and I write. I make an extra one to two hundred each month through writing. Not a lot, but more money for games! :cool:
I game for fun but I wouldn't consider it a hobby, just a way to unwind. I like to hike and do photography and I am trying to get some of my writing published. the gaming helps me with my writing because I occasionally get a block so I just pop in a game and fire away until I get my head back on track.
Besides playing video Games I enjoy making videos about video games lol. But I also love to watch tv shows, anime, movies, read books, and jogging. But Video games will always be my number 1, there are just so many good games out there.
When I am not playing my Xbox, I usually do blogging (food, cars, gaming for Asia Pacific, and technology ), photography, going to art gallery, eating, and doing some freelance support for Windows phone and Xbox..
Watching wrestling, collecting comics (Marvel and DC), and NETFLIX.
My other hobbies are reading, photography, graphic design, cooking, eating what I cook, which usually is delicious but not so healthy, watching movies, learning how to work on my car...I think that's all that I can think of right now!

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