Xbox One What are your thoughts on the impacts mobile gaming will have on the latest gen?


New Member
Mar 29, 2013
Given the sheer volume of games available for the mobile platforms, particularly iOS and Android, and the fact there are many millions of devices in consumers hands, do you feel this will negatively impact the next gen consoles? The Vita and Wii U seem to be struggling and I fear it could be a bad sign for the new Ps4 and Xbox 720.

Will developers continue to invest the millions it takes for blockbuster gaming franchises or might they take a more cautious and casual approach in the beginning?

New consoles based on mobile platforms (such as the Ouya) might not help the situation either.

Personally I don't think the games compare and sincerely hope they continue to thrive, though there's no denying the impact the mobile scene is having on the market.

Either way, I'm really excited to see what MS and Sony bring to the table this year.
Well, if mobile gaming has a huge impact I guess it will become very bad. I mean, didn't EA add microtransactions to Dead Space 3 and said it was because "mobile gamers expect them" or something like that? Probably a bullshit excuse but might also be the true reason why they decided to come up with the "feature". Truth be told, most games on iOS and Android are terrible. They cost $1 and then they try to make you empty your wallet by requiring microtransactions. There are a handful of games on these platforms, though, that are very good and don't drown people in microstransactions but those are the minority as far as I've seen.
i think it has very much encouraged the steam sale model and also free to plays
I don't know if it has a huge impact it's going to change a lot hing in this industry but for a few reason a don't think that will ever happen.
Developers just found out that the so entitled "gamers" are so stupid that they get anything badly made if it has good publicity and that after every single step they take they can post about it on tumblr, facebook and twitter.

I wish that i could go back to the time where you put the game and had fun and challenge and that was it. No Mountain Dew and Doritos for double experience points.

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