Xbox One What games WON'T be compatible with the XBoxOne that you're disappointed with?


Aug 25, 2013
For me, I'm ready and anticipating any games that they manage to include with the XBone. However I feel there were some games that were left out and would have been great. What do you think?
The Gears of War games and the Halo games. For SURE the Halo games.
Has any sort of list been created to know what will or will not work with the Xbox One? I would wish that they just put backwards compatibility for everything, but i guess that in the times that we live, that is something too much to ask.
GTA 5 as already said but that's also not on PS4 so its not much of a big deal luckily its not a playstation exclusive game which is what i would hate really i would probs get a ps4 if so.
I knida wish that I could play Arma 3 on my Xbox One instead of my PC, but I know that it's going to be a PC exclusive. So, there you go
GTA V for sure.

But really any downloadable (arcade, Games on Demand, etc) game from the Xbox 360. I wish those could be played on the Xbox One.
Has any sort of list been created to know what will or will not work with the Xbox One? I would wish that they just put backwards compatibility for everything, but i guess that in the times that we live, that is something too much to ask.

I thin as far as we know, as of right now neither console is BC for any game.
Not really, though I wouldn't mind Dark Souls II coming out on the next-gen systems too...
I am really hopeful (more like expecting) a next gen port of GTA V and that is mainly because GTA online while using the engine is almost like a separate game. I feel so strongly about it that I might cancel my pre order. Halo is a different story. I am surprised that they are releasing a GOTY edition and not bothering with a port.
GTA V for sure.

But really any downloadable (arcade, Games on Demand, etc) game from the Xbox 360. I wish those could be played on the Xbox One.

Most of my arcade games was my answer also. At this point, I'm not even considering buying any more. I understand the reasoning behind the non backwards compatibility issue, but I feel Microsoft could have done SOMETHING to make our digital games work on the One. An emulator perhaps?
Most of my arcade games was my answer also. At this point, I'm not even considering buying any more. I understand the reasoning behind the non backwards compatibility issue, but I feel Microsoft could have done SOMETHING to make our digital games work on the One. An emulator perhaps?

I wish all arcade games were compatible too! Sadly, I think the only way to properly achieve that is to do as Sony is doing; make a real port of the 360 game for the X1 and make it so users get both versions when they purchase one. An emulator would take too much work and probably not even be good enough...
Neither system is BC. So, to answer the question, I wish that all of them were, but I am more wanting of the new technology. What I'd really like is to be able to download all old 360 games onto the One. I doubt if I'd sell my games, but there is something that is truly appealing about being able to just switch from game to game without needing discs. That probably was my favorite feature of the One that seems to be thrown in the scrap heap.

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