Xbox One What is one feature to convince someone to buy Xbone?


Active Member
Jun 25, 2014
I would love to know what you would say to them.
I believe that i would mention the fact the multi tasking is a great feature and destroys the playstation at it.
I can't think of anything mostly due to my experiences with it
ill go the other way. what does the playstation offer that is better?

I know the big talk was how its "more powerful" at launch but studies have shown they are both capable and games are built cross platform so they tend to run exactly the same in reality.

I was a long time no Kinect person.. I had it since day1 just didn't want to use it.. now I'm about a year of using it and really do enjoy it. sure the voice stuff isn't perfect but it works quite well.. I blame the kinects issues more on me and being tired or mumbling ect ect..

games with gold is actually decent.. especially if you had a 360.. basically 4 free games a month(backwords compatibility) sure its not aaa title games but good games do come up and it adds to the library..

backwards compatibility.. its a cool thing.. its not 100% flawless sure but its a work in progress... and xbox does frequent updates for stability across the xb1... they are steady improving it... and we havnt gotten directx12 yet..

ea access is a decent service at a very reasonable price.. sure its ea... its normally sports but they do have other games and we will get some of the bigger aaa titles for free aka vaulted.. so for 30 or 40 a year it pays for itself in the games you do get even if its not the games you want..

all in all I have around 80 games on my xb1 with maybe 3 360games in that count... I havnt payed for 80games either... I do the xbox store and don't use gamestop or disk.. everything is basically click and play..
I have both consoles -- Xbox and Playstation -- and each have their benefits. One thing I really like about Xbox is the fact that you can buy a family gold membership and save a ton of money over buying separate memberships for each person in the house. So far, I haven't seen PS offer that.
If I could only give one reason for buying a One, it would be that it's way more than a video game console. Not only can you play One games on it (and some 360 games), you can also use it as a DVD player, a Blu-Ray player, a virtual gym (Kinect + Xbox Fitness, streaming workouts, DVD-based workouts, etc.,), a stereo, etc. You can even use it to browse the Internet, YouTube, etc.
Game sharing for the win!!
The fact that it has Microsoft behind it is good enough because Microsoft is in every home, in computers and cellphones. A vast majority of computer users around the world use Microsoft systems and the XBox One is way ahead when it comes to computer compatibility as compared to Sony.
Just listing what advantages it has over the PS4 should persuade them enough. But at the end of the day it's down to their opinion and their preferences. There might be PlayStation games that the person likes that aren't available on Xbox and that alone could cause them to prefer the former. I don't think you should ever force that sort of thing. After all, they're going to be using the console for the next few years, it should be a calculated decision based on what they like, not what you want them to like.
I would say, aspire for greatness. Don't just buy a ps4 or a wii u, get them all. Be someone. Have everything, get a kinect, get vr when it comes out, buy controllers. Do it big or don't do it at all, why cherry pick? People don't aspire anymore these days I think.
I would say don't be a Sony fan because after the Walkman, Sony has not been able to come up with a mass popular product. Besides, XBox One trumps everything else when it comes to full compatibility with your computer that uses Windows.
Uh? PS2 was amazing man, why do you have to go against another console to make someone buy an Xbox? People that love games and can afford it always buy both...there's no reason to be a fanboy on either side of the fence, just play games & love it
I've also got both the Xbox one and the PS4, just like I have had both versions of the models that were available in the past.

I've never really been a fan of this 'my consoles better than yours' debate that seems to have been going on for years now. Both systems have their positive and negative points, so if you can afford it, just buy both.
Exactly...on top of that, there's PS and XB exclusive titles! You can love your xbox/games and still want to play something that's exclusive to do you plan on getting ratchet & clank on your xbox? Ya don't!
Games being exclusive to one gaming device, I think as helped to simmer down the rivalry a bit, as like you say if a person wants to play a certain game then they'll have to purchase the other console.

Just blindly sticking to one device no matter what, doesn't make sense to me any more and I play both consoles equally probably, thinking about it.