Honestly, in my opinion the easiest, tastiest popcorn is the bags in the microwave. However, they always say those bags are unhealthy and have some weird chemical or something inside them, so I've switched off it. I use an air popper now, they're pretty cheap, available on Amazon or anywhere, and I just buy the kernels with some spray butter and white cheddar seasoning. They make a few different seasoning options now, at my grocery they're right there in the popcorn section. It's the same ones you see at the theaters in some locations now. They're pretty much the only way to save the bland air-popped (without butter) popcorn. However, the "butter" seasoning seems like a waste though, I could barely taste it, I avoid that one. I might try the jalepiño cheese one next. Spicy sounds good, I used to dump hot salt on my popcorn to the point where I'd be sneezing from it haha. But anyway, if you want a somewhat healthier option than the microwave, that's my advice.