im no guru but some tvs just look better than other s on the wall and graphics wize.. walk into walmart and the vizio,sony,lg ect ect all in same size and same general specs all look diffrent. get on flea bay and buy what u like.. get the best you can afford...
i actually have a(42inch) seiki tv... and it makes me sony(50in) look like crap. my sony was 1000 dollars my seiki was 450 shipped.. if i get another tv it may be the 50+ seiki after my experiance. my sony u have to listen at volume 20+ to get sound where you can hear. my seiki i listen to at 1 volume and i can her it fine. i have never had my seiki past 5 volume.. i regularly turn my sony to 30 volume...
the reviews are a great place to start... but get in ur budget and something thats mid/high grade.. non of my tv have wireless... i use my console for intrnet/netflix ect ect.. seems like less will go wrong with them.
the thing i am looking forward to on xb1 is the cable box intigration. idk about all the sports stats stuff seems like that may clutter the screan but the guid function and kinect voice reconition to change chanel or go directly to a show or channel seems great.