Xbox One What makes Xbox Live worth it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2013
New Orleans
Okay, I am a noob when it comes to anything xbox. I have always had a PS or PC, so I know nothing about the xbox. I am so looking forward to getting this tomorrow. My question is about xbox live. Since I am getting just about everything tomorrow, I was thinking of picking up a one or two year subscription. I really don't know anything about it? What is it used for. I mostly play single player games on consoles, and play online games like BF4 and COD on the PC since I think they are better on the PC. If xbox live worth it or do you need it for the xbox 1. What do you get with it that makes it worth it. Also, once I get the card, how do I use it? Do I sign up on the internet or PC early and then just activate it. I have no account now... should I get one before I set up my xbox 1? Also, I have time because this is going to be a Christmas present for my kids so I have to wait to install it till the 25th which I know sucks.... but at least I will have one......

I would love input about the xbox live and what I need to do with it...

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you will need xbox live to play multiplayer and really use the console to its full potential. if your pre ordered at gamestop the xbox live day one card is 39 dollars today. it gives you 12 months of support and multiplayer gaming.

welcome to the board and enjoy that new console.
Like shark said, you'll need it for demos, multiplayer, deals, and special online functions. What makes it unique is its a major part of the experience for pretty cheap. Its only 50 dollars a year. If you get the card then just redeem it using the code on the card when asked if you have any codes by the xbox one console while registering for Xbox Live. Hopefully that makes sense.
Xbox Live for Xbox One will cost you $59.99 a year. Xbox Live Silver will not carry over to Xbox One but you'll get a slew of benefits that will enhance your experience with the console.
Like what the guys said here, you'll have access to multiplayer gameplay online, free demos, and other great benefits. There's the nice thing to know you will get free updates and patches to fix the glitches and bugs in your games. You get to chat with your friends, you get to set the privacy levels with your preference and you get to set who is your favorite friend.

Xbox Live is also needed for those apps you'll want to use when not playing a game, like Netflix, Hulu, and Cruncyroll.

One other great thing about this is you will get free games to play. Microsoft said that starting next year, you'll get 2 free games to play on the Xbox One. Similar to the PlayStation Plus for PS4, you'll be able to play selected games for the Xbox One. Unlike PlayStation Plus though, even if your Xbox Live membership expires, you get to keep the games you for free.

Also, think of it this way: paying for the Xbox Live membership for Xbox One is paying for a new Xbox One game for a year. So I say it's worth getting an Xbox Live for the Xbox One.
Listen to marthyrocks! I especially like the benefit of getting 2 free games a month for the Xbox One. If you're not in the mood to buy a new game everytime, it's awesome to have 2 free games come to you. Think: one month might get you Assassin's Creed IV and Watch_Dogs. Another month might get you Minecraft and D4. Basically, there's benefits when you sign up for Xbox Live. Remember: it's like paying for one new game a year.

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