Xbox One What video game settings/environments would you like to see more of?


Nov 4, 2013
Title says it all!

I personally would love to see more metropolitan interiors. I mean like you see a skyscraper apartment complex, you can walk in and go into the rooms and look out the window at the city skyline and cars driving on the roads. Or anything like that really, just being able to kind of walk around and explore people's homes. I liked that level in MW2 where America is being invaded and you have to take cover in people's garages, and loved Hitman: Blood Money where you explore that redneck wedding. Deus Ex games tend to be pretty good for this as well. Hopefully in the future, in Grand Theft Auto type games, we'll be able to walk into the buildings we drive by.

What kind of video game environments would you like to see more of?
I want to see more rustic designs. just plain old 60's kind of thing with the characters all modern and stuff. Just like what bioshock had in it's game play. They added the futuristic gun concepts on a game that was set on the early 1940's or 1960's.
Love openworld modern settings. GTA with a more sandbox feel would be awesome.
I want to see more medieval Japan settings. I love samurai and katana, sadly this kind of game is very rare on the Xbox. The only game I can think of is Way of The Samurai 3 but that wasn't really good. I would love to see more games in this time period. Basically anything medieval is right up my alley.
Love openworld modern settings. GTA with a more sandbox feel would be awesome.

I love open world settings period, but modern/real world/crime settings I can get in to. This leads to the setting I'd like to see more of...

The 80s-early 90s (technically the 80s). Vice City and Scarface: The World Is Yours captured the 80s wonderfully. Vice City tied it all together with the soundtrack and talk radio stations which helped pull you into the action and Scarface had the size VC didn't have and did as great a job with the look and feel as VC.

I'd like to see GTA or another open world series take another stab at the late 80s-early 90s crack epidemic and growth of street gangs. It was more of a backdrop is San Andreas, but boy did that game capture that period.
I want to see more... hmmm, that's a hard question. But I think I'd love to see more epic modern settings, some awesome medieval settings.... your answers will do. But a medieval Japan.,.. hmm, Yakuza Restoration is doing that already so I'll see what they can do with that.
Title says it all!

I personally would love to see more metropolitan interiors. I mean like you see a skyscraper apartment complex, you can walk in and go into the rooms and look out the window at the city skyline and cars driving on the roads. Or anything like that really, just being able to kind of walk around and explore people's homes. I liked that level in MW2 where America is being invaded and you have to take cover in people's garages, and loved Hitman: Blood Money where you explore that redneck wedding. Deus Ex games tend to be pretty good for this as well. Hopefully in the future, in Grand Theft Auto type games, we'll be able to walk into the buildings we drive by.

What kind of video game environments would you like to see more of?

Yeah, I agree. I would love to see more of that too. That's what's missing sometimes in games these days: the interiors, especially in open-world games. I know there's limits to how much interiors can be put in the game but we can dream can we? Yup, more interiors! C'mon developers give it to us!
Really anything that's not in suburban/city modern day environments. I really like games which take place in rural/country environments. Another theme that really hasn't been explored is inter-galactic/space stuff, obviously it would be hard to have something like that based in any way off reality but I would still be keen for it.
Really anything that's not in suburban/city modern day environments. I really like games which take place in rural/country environments. Another theme that really hasn't been explored is inter-galactic/space stuff, obviously it would be hard to have something like that based in any way off reality but I would still be keen for it.

We got Mass Effect for that. But hmm... yeah, I agree. Rural/country environments is a nice change. I'd love to see that.
I want to see a detailed look at the BC times. You know, like maybe give us more peek into what truly is the ancient times. I'd also like to see more of the caveman times. After all, we began as cavemen right? I want to see more.
I want to see more medieval Japan settings. I love samurai and katana, sadly this kind of game is very rare on the Xbox. The only game I can think of is Way of The Samurai 3 but that wasn't really good. I would love to see more games in this time period. Basically anything medieval is right up my alley.

i would expect assasins creed to exploit ninja/samari culture sooner than later. i like the idea but could do without it going in the hands of assassins creed.
Well, come to think of it. I want to see a lot of games that have the WW2 scenery on it. I guess because I'm a big fan of Medal of Honor I find that scenery quite interesting. It wouldn't be bad to also have something like an outer space environment (much like the battle scenes on Gundam)
I want to see something more like an End of the world environment with all the volcanoes erupting and other stuff like catastrophic storms that would definitely make the game more challenging. It would probably work well on a first person shooter game.

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