Xbox One What Xbox One games do you have all the achievements for?


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2016
I'm not someone who usually gets every single achievement on a game. Back on the 360, The Sims 3 and Dragon Ball Z: Budokai HD Collection are the only two I have every single one on. So far on Xbox One, I have all the achievements for The Walking Dead Season 1 (it was really, really easy there was like one achievement I actually had to look up how to get) and Fallout 4 (I had 50 out of 50 prior to the first DLC pack coming out yesterday, and I got all 5 of the new ones immediately).
To be honest I don't think I've ever had all the achievements on any game, but that's mainly because I don't play them for that usually.

I completely the game and do all there is to do, but I never try and pick up every reward, or complete it without losing a life or anything like that.

To be honest I don't think I've ever had all the achievements on any game, but that's mainly because I don't play them for that usually.

I complete the game and do all there is to do, but I never try and pick up every reward, or complete it without losing a life or anything like that.
Yeah, I haven't put the time into anything to get all the achievements unless one was easy and I did it on accident? For the most part I don't focus on them, I just play the game until I feel like selling it off and then we're done with it
I've only done it about four times, I got almost of all of the achievements on Resident Evil 5 (I only had multiplayer and completing the DLC packs on Professional left) and Resident Evil 6 (a handful here and there) and almost all of them on all three Mass Effect games but most of the time I don't bother.
If we are counting 360 games, then I do have a few, but I tend to sell off my games quite quickly after I have completed them, and I use that money to get another game at a great discount. I prefer it this way, because I sell games at the peak of their value and end up paying something quite small for access to whatever game I want.
To be honest I don't think I know anyone who purposely concentrates on trying to get all of the achievements so it makes me wonder if there's any reason to keep putting them into games anyway.

If I get a platinum for completing a certain objective in a game I'm not really all that bothered really, and I certainly don't care whose got the most in certain games or anything like that.
Oh this is just sad! I only have 100% on Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious :eek:
I really need to do something about my habit of starting million games at once and not finishing any :D
I highly doubt I've gotten all the achievements for any game as I usually end up playing another game before I finish the first one, but who knows, I haven't actually checked. If there was some sort of incentive to do so then I'd probably be going back to all my old games and getting them all haha.
I think the idea of having the achievements in games, was to try and get people to finish one game before starting another, or at least prolong that from happening.

In my own experience and from what others have said on here, that hasn't worked and we've just now all got a load of games going all at the same time, but hardly any achievements on any of them!

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