Xbox One What's different about the One version of GTA5?


New Member
Jan 3, 2015
I have Grand Theft Auto 5 for Xbox 360 and now I see that it's out on the One. Is it exactly the same game or are there differences between the two versions (other than improved graphics)?
It's not exactly the same game but they are very similar. I think there are a few new missions you can do (not 100% sure about that though) and I know the soundtrack is more expanded.
There are a few key differences, apart from the soundtrack and a few general bug fixes and features. The online mode has been greatly improved. The graphics have been given a massive step-up and there are a lot more aspects to the general environment. There are a few more items and some more content, especially in the multiplayer realm. There is also first person mode, which is huge. I don't regret buying GTA V again for my One after having it for my old 360, its definitely an entirely different experience.
Yeah, GTAV for one is just like a slight leg up. It isn't as dramatic of a difference as you might be hoping for, but it's enough that if you have a 1 anyways and want to use that instead of your 360, you can. If you have the 360 edition, you can just sell that and it's worth the difference.
I don't regret selling my Xbox 360 version of the game and buying it again for the Xbox one either, as it does look and play a lot smoother in my opinion.

For a game as good as this, the price is down to a good level aswell now merely because it's been out a while aswell, so you can get a decent price and it's definitely worth upgrading.
Besides the better graphics and more content, there's no real difference between the two platforms. And when I say content, I mean the little unnoticeable stuff to the untrained eye. I would say you're not missing anything, but One looks and feels so much better.
The more content you're talking about is a lot more noticeable with the online DLC that Rockstar are bringing out, as its a lot better quality on the Xbox ONE than what you'd get on the 360 servers.

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