Xbox One What's your biggest regret?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2014
Like the title says, what is your biggest regret so far? Of course it has to be in relation to the Xbox One. Did you buy a faulty console and had to send it back? Pick an absolute stinker of a game without reading the reviews? Maybe you threw your back out trying to play a Kinect game, who knows?

Open up, and share with us your regrets!
My biggest regret would have to be buying a Xbox One to begin with. I spent $700 total, that includes warranty and a extra controller. I could of bought an awesome PC and I would have had a much more enjoyable experience.
I wish i got it early on when you could get them cheap at certain places doing special offers.
Really good of saved a lot of money on it to be honest.
I don't think that I could have had two more polar opposite responses to thread, and amazingly, you both posted right after each other.
Mine is stepping on my "day one" controller and breaking it.
Probably the fact that I spend almost $700 for a machine that I thought would do me nicely. I mean it did but the thing is, most of the things that I paid for, I don't even use, like the Kinect. I spent $700 for a machine that I can't fully utilize all features, well you can argue that I should buy games that uses the Kinect, but the thing is there are no good games that utilizes the Kinect, and I don't want to spend an extra $60 more for it.
My biggest regret I'd buying the console at launch. I never liked the Kinect but they said that they will not release one without it so I jumped the gun. Now they release one without the Kinect.
I don't have any regrets. I've had a great experience with the Xbox One so far, and even the Playstation 4, too. I'd say that I probably could have done without the Kinect and waited until that cheaper console came out. Still, I don't feel like I made any major mistakes in purchasing the Day One Xbox One and enjoying the titles that released for it. It's been a smooth ride so far.
My biggest regret was getting a Kinect for my 360, it looked like a really fun thing and really innovative but I ended up never using it.
All I played was the minigames that came with it, no other games.
I eventually got an exercise "game" that was pretty good so that lessened the problem, but it was still a waste.
No regrets here. I think it's a decent gaming system and I'm pleasantly pleased with it. If I have any regret, it would be Kinect. I feel it was still a "beta" device forced on the Xbox community. It is a "decent" add-on when it works, but if given a choice, I would have passed.

I think my regret was getting the kinect. I really do not even like the kinect to begin with. I wanted the kinect a long time ago because when I saw the videos of the kinect I really thought that it would be a lot more fun then it really was. When I got the Kinect it was really a lot more fun but now that I have it I really want to sell it.
My only regret is that I bought my XBox One close to release and then I had to look at how nicely it collects dust because I had close to no games to play. Right now things got better and new games are released, but the landscape is still somewhat barren. Can't wait for next near, plenty of great games are coming out.

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