Xbox One Whats your favourite music game?


Active Member
Jun 25, 2014
I would love to know what your favourite music game is on any xbox console?
Mine had to be the lips series, so fun to play!
My favorite music based game has definitely got to be Guitar Hero. I like all of them. I am a big guitar fanatic, so when I found out that a game was coming out that allowed me to play music with a guitar, I knew I had to have it. Out of the entire series my favorite game was Guitar Hero II, it had mostly all of my favorite classic rock songs.
I'll have to go with the Guitar Series also. It was my first music based game, and as a former teenager that owned a guitar, it was awesome!
The songs they chose for the series were ones I already knew and liked - another reason to love the game.
Back when Guitar Hero first came out my friends and I would stay up all night playing that game. I was never too good at it but had a bunch of fun playing it. I never got into rockband though
I'm with you on this one. I just love this series. I remember when I first started in 2009. The first time I played GH was in an arcade. From that, it quickly spiraled into me having it on every gaming system. Music game - definitely GH, hands down.
I really liked Patapon for PSP, I actually purchased a PSP just for that game
I will definitely say that the best music game that I have ever played on the Xbox console has to be guitar hero. I will tell you that I used to spend hours upon hours just playing that game and I will tell you that I used to have lots of fun playing it. I can remember when me and my buddies would be playing it int the living room. I stopped playing the game after I had smashed my drum foot pedal.
My favorite game would have to be Rock Band because when I was a child and I had played it many times, the first time I had first played it would have to be when I was around 12 and it was my cousins birthday and it was the funniest birthday I had ever went to and I would always go to his house every weekend to play Guitar Hero. It defiantly has brought people together and I remember going to my little cousins house and he had Dance Dance and that was a cool experience also, I think the best and the king of all the music type games would defiantly be Guitar Hero because it started all these ideas.
Of those available on 360, DJ Hero was my favorite. Too bad about the early death, but it has fun gameplay and the remixes are so good that they manage to make awful songs be good!
Guitar Hero of course. I loved every single game of that franchise, it's one of those games that even though your just rocking out a plastic guitar, it still gives you that feeling that you're playing a live band. I also love Rocksmith that game is really really well done and the best part is you get to rock out with an actual working guitar so you can brag about it to your friends "Hey guys! Guess what..Through the Fire and Flames in your face b***es!"
Guitar Hero is the music game that the other music games measure themselves by. I was lousy at it but I know how much fun we had playing it.
Guitar Hero stands out as my favorite music video game by several miles. I am pretty great at it too :D
I think Guitar Hero is my favorite. I remember I originally got this as a present for my nephew. He wasn't showing much interest, so I decided to try the game and became addicted to it. Long story short, I took the game back and he didn't mind. I don't think he even remembers it. I always had a fantasy of being a cool rocker chick and this game let me be it for a moment.