What's your typical playing time of day?

Funky Jammer

Former Moderator
Jan 9, 2013
I'm typically a night time gamer, something to do to unwind and relax. In the early morning as well, if I have the day off that is.
I usually play at evening/midnight time.
More so evening because there's less people on at midnight.

Oh and less kids play during those hours hah!
I play in the afternoons when I come back from work, I usually play 2 or 3 hours a day 4 days a week.
I have to unwind after I get off work so I'll watch some tv, have a shower. I think games actually make me more tense, so that wouldn't help. lol. I play in the early evening, and if it's close to the weekend, I'll play until late.
I play 2-3 games of multi-player, sometimes 4-5, but in general I stick to 30 minutes tops.

There are just so many other things I enjoy doing that I can't just play a game with all my spare time. I used to play "hardcore" into the late hours but I got cranky during the day and hated that I got nothing else done and decided that it wasn't me.
Meh, it depends. Some times I play in the evening and not at all during the night, other times I play during the night but not at all during the evening and other times I just play all the damn time!
Whenever i get the time really. Mainly its a night time after i get all my ducks in a row so speak.
Mine is 12am -12am. I usually just play when I'm in the mood to relax anytime of day or night.
I play video games right after work, around 5:30 pm until 10 pm. I’m still single and have a job, my girlfriend and I only see each other on weekends. I have all the time in the world to play all the games I want. I don’t have life, right?
Lately its been pretty hard to find time for gaming with by schedule. Usually around 10pm to 12am.
It depends on the day. If I discover a new game and really love it (recently I'm playing Path of Exile) I can spend literally all day and night playing it. But on a more normal basis I'd say I play a few hours every day. I do other stuff so I can't afford to play games all day usually.
I have a weird gaming schedule. I game from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. because that's when no one is home and I have my free time. No one on my friend's list is on at that time either so it just makes me feel guilty for playing with the rest of the world is working. lol I also like midnight to 2 a.m. to just relax before bed.
It depends :P If my husband is at work I can be on it off and on throughout the day, but if he's home we usually take turns or do something else. I prefer playing more in the afternoon/at night though - and not when I first wake up :P
Lately its been pretty hard to find time for gaming with by schedule. Usually around 10pm to 12am.

I completely understand. I've been in the same boat, between work and school I don't have much time for gaming. But I typically play as much as I can before I pass out from sleep deprivation lol.
I had company in so our playing times were sporadic all weekend. I'm going to try to get midday gaming in and then another late night session in.
I usually start playing at around 8pm when I get back from work or whenever my friends call me to get on and play a few games with them.
All night, every night here.
During the night in the weekend, that's the best time to find good FIFA matches.
I haven't had time recently to play video games as much as I would like to, but when I become obsessed with a game, I've been known to play it day and night for 3 or 4 days. I had more time to play games marathon style when I had a different work schedule. These days, I'm lucky to squeeze in 5 or 6 hours a week. When I do play, it's usually weekend nights.
I usually play at night. Around 9 pm to 1 am or around 11 pm to 2am everytime the miami heat plays late night. I like playing when everybody's asleep so it'll be quiet

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