What's your typical playing time of day?

night time
When I was younger back in my college years I would play up to 3 to 5 hours if it wasn't a party night or if I was avoiding homework. Now that I've gotten older It's been reduced to maybe 2 hours every other day. Sometimes not even that, I have big boy things to do now to keep me busy from playing games 24/7.
I'm an early bird, you know what they say, "early bird catches the worm" anyways, I play 7am-12 usually if I don't have basketball or baseball. Then on weekdays sometimes 6pm-7pm
I play during the day it gives me something to do during my free time, it's also around that time that my friends are on.
I work all day, game most of the night. I knew this insomnia thing of mine would come in handy for something one of these days.
I love playing at night to end my day or start my night. Also, it's a time when I would be least bothered by people because everyone else should be doing something else they enjoy. When I was in college I played during the day all the time. It was my way to waste time between classes.
i am a full time college student, i work part time at a job, and i usually play maybe on a day i dont have to work i am usually playing 3 hours or so, but if i have to work, then i am lucky to get in an hour.
I personally love to play when I come home at the end of the day. There isn't anything better than having free time at the end of the day to do whatever you want, usually this includes a few hours of play time on whatever game I'm into at the moment.

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