When Xbox One comes out, will you buy it immediately or wait?


Jul 5, 2013
Some people like to wait, if only for the reason that the price will be driven down as time passes by.

On the other hand, it's likely a large number of people on this forum along have already pre-ordered at least one XBox One. :rolleyes: I may be part part of that group. :p

Either way, what is your preference, or reasons?
Pre ordered xb1 I'm ready for it. I can't wait for day one release. With 4 games pre ordered I'm good to go. Only game I am lacking pre order is Titan fall at this point in my mind.
I'm dying to preorder my console .... but I'm undecided.
It still lacks a lot of games now for the Next-Gent.
Ago that Battlefield 4 makes me want to pre-order immediately.

I know myself, and I think I'll wait 2 or 3 months before flinch from and buy it!
How many games you will buy with the console?:confused:
I have
forza 5
battle field 4
assasins creed 4
so far pre ordered.
I'm most likely going to wait. With all the bumps Microsoft is having, there's no reason to buy it immediately. They may change their policies, make frequent updates and make the Xbox One literally unplayable until they settle down. Unlike Sony and their Playstation, they are developed at the moment. There's no reason to buy two consoles at once since you'll be playing one console for a while. I'll buy the Xbox One a year or two after the release unless something changes my mind.

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