Xbox One Where is all the news about Windows 10 ability, HoloLens, etc....


Old School casual player.
Oct 21, 2013
I know I am not that active, but where is everyone and all the exciting news about Windows 10
playability, the new virtual reality HoloLens talk and all that?

saddle up its 2hours long... ill check it out and get back to you lol
I think it wоuld bе аwеsоmе tо аblе tо plаy а pс gаmе likе ultimа оnlinе, runеsсаpе оn thе xbоx оnе аnything likе thаt bе аblе tо minе, wооd сut, fish....еtс I likе аll gаmеs bаsеd thаt wаy stаrt оff frоm sсrаtсh n wоrk yоur wаy up thе lеvеls....
I saw a few threads about Holo Lens and Win 10 a while ago but I don't hear too much about it. I know The Verge does a few reports on the afore mentioned product pretty often but otherwise its all Apple and Samsung these days. To be honest I see a bigger future for VR than for Holo Lens but each to their own.
Windows 10 is this really bad idea that people are accepting at an alarming rate, but it's because they don't recognize the choices available. Holo lens is really awesome though, so I'll give them that :D

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