Xbox One Where to preorder?


New Member
Jul 24, 2013
Hi, I want to get the XB 1 before December 20th. I assume preordering will be quicker than going in-store.

Where should I preorder from:
  • Fry's (big electronics store in my area) or
  • Microsoft (I'm near 2 Microsoft stores)

If I do Microsoft, will it ship to my house (sounds scary) or do I pick it up? Thanks for any responses, also I hope I can get it by Dec. 20...
Those new Microsoft outlets are really neat. They have one near the mall by mean. I have mine set for pick only because i like the feeling of going to store and picking things up. I'm buying my Xbox One games digitally but at least i can pick something up at the store one last time :). I'd do it through the Microsoft outlet but that's just me.
most outlets are sold out of pre orders.. game stop,amazon,best buy.. irrc.. your best bet would be to pre order on microsoft online. i almost had to pre order online but got lucky with the small second run of gamestop pre orders.
I agree, go through Microsoft. Most of the places where I am at are all sold out of preorders. Plus, since it's their game, they might have a better warrantee offer. I'm not sure about that, but you might want to look into it.
you may still get what little is leftover of the "day one" xbox one pre orders thu mcrosoft directly. most all retailers have been long out of them.

i went day after microsoft launch/live feed and the 8 xbox one "day ones" were all sold out. i went back 1 week later and they had 2 more in their system. i was able to pre order my day one xbox one as a pick up at gamestop but was told the 10 or 11 total for that store were spoken/had deposits. that heir may be more before launch but would not be a day one.

your microsoft store/retailer would at least be able to let u know which one you are getting.
I would honestly hold out with preorders. We know what Microsoft promises the console will be like , but we don't know what it will be really like. I'm personally gonna wait until next year, and see how things unfold. The price might even drop down a tiny bit, some bugs and problems might be ironed out and so on. But if I was to preorder it now I would probably go to Amazon.

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