so i was looking through gamestops powerup rewards and noticed this picture theres also one that say Black instead of white so maybe they will sell the white one in the near future
Plasti-Dip is your friend in either mate or glossy
If you were among the masses who failed to bag a Microsoft employee-exclusive white Xbox One in the recent eBay auction, a mysterious user has just put up another for sale.But if you've already pre-ordered a console, you might be interested to know that the same person is also offering a white controller separately.You've got just under three days to go grab either, but considering the last white Xbox One sold for $11,300 (about £7006, AU$12193) don't expect it to come cheap. Seriously Microsoft, make these available to everyone already. - From Techradar
I don't get it either, but there are enough people out there who would do probably everything to get their hands on it just to stand out of the crowd.I don't really get why people fret over the colors of it, bragging rights?
I could see why some people would want it in white, but I am please with my black console. It just matches my room a whole lot more. The only complaint I have is the dust. Why is my xbox so dusty?