Xbox One Why does everyone assume the PS4 is superior to the Xbox One?


New Member
Jun 15, 2013
All over my social media networks I see everyone talking about how the PS4 is so much better than the Xbox One. Would someone like to tell me how?
I think a lot of it is linked to the initial "shocking" things Microsoft revealed, like the always-on internet requirement, the questionable pre-owned game issue, the $500 price tag, and the lack of backwards compatibility (which I know the PS4 also lacks). I honestly haven't done any hardcore comparisons of the two consoles side-by-side, but a group of friends raised those as the negative factors against the One a few nights ago. If I have the money and the time in my life when the two release, I'll eventually get both...just probably the PS4 first.
Well, the low price, the exclusives and the used games thing are pretty good points in their favor, but i guess that this is all a matter of taste and opinion.
As far as console power goes, they're very similar. However, I have to say that Sony's business model is better in my view, and their console costs a bit less, so I'm leaning toward the PS4. That being said, Microsoft will definitely give me a reason to want the One, and as a Halo fan, I don't want to miss out on that. However, Microsoft has doomed their chances of me buying the One at launch, that much is certain.
Tech-wise a lot of people are going off of rumors for the Xbox One and real stats on the PS4. I believe people should wait until MS releases the stats before making statements like the One is 50% less powerful.

Basing your opinion on their system setup (DRM, etc) is perfectly fine since it is a known quantity.

I, myself, am more excited by what the One has to offer and will get that at launch and wait for the PS4 until it has some game I must have that I can get nowhere else. I'm basing my decision on the platform of the One along with my controller preference... otherwise, I see the two as fairly equal.
I don't think it's superior, but honestly I'm not really worried about either console's capabilities. What I care about is the ability to play on a console without all the nitpicky rules that make it so difficult to do. The one thing that makes me favor the PS4 right off the bat is the price, but that doesn't mean I think it's a better console because of it.
I must say that the PS4 being better than the Xbox One as a fact. The specs of each of the things are quite an indicator also the games being released are much better. PS4 already have exclusives also and there really aren't any xbox one games that are appealing to me very much. However the war is being won by PS4 most definitely.

I must say that the PS4 being better than the Xbox One as a fact. The specs of each of the things are quite an indicator also the games being released are much better. PS4 already have exclusives also and there really aren't any xbox one games that are appealing to me very much. However the war is being won by PS4 most definitely.


I don't know about that. Being objective and going past the DRM issues on the One, both consoles have some great games. Both have a cloud which takes the systems beyond their hardware if needed. Both have similar hardware specs unless i missed something.
Well, the Xbox One is superior in its own ways, but most people prefer the PS4 because of:
1) Restrictions. The PS4 barely has any restrictions that users do not like. No online requirement which the Xbox One has, no used game restrictions, and no online check every 24 hours.
2) Price. The price is $100 dollars CHEAPER than the Xbox One which is a big reason why most people would prefer it over the Xbox One.
3) Games. The PS4 has a lot of games coming out, but I'm not saying that Xbox doesn't. They have a wide library, and they are supporting indie game developers and games more than Microsoft.
Just three of the most important reasons I believe that most people choose the PS4 over the Xbox One.
Sony played a little game during the E3 event and did everything the opposite of Microsoft pretty much, but forgot to explain how the PS4 stuff really works. They won over everyone at E3, and now everyone seems to think its the better console of choice. But at the end of the day, its about the games and what games will be available at launch and within the first year of launch of each console. You can spend $100 less to get a PS4, but what good is that if the games your buying it for don't come out right away? So that's what I'm looking into, but I will definitely be getting a Xbox One for the simple fact that the controller is by far superior than any PlayStation controller. If PS would have changed the left joystiq and dpad, maybe I would have switched lol
I saw nothing beyond Infamous(which isn't a launch title) that really impressed me visually.

From all reports and impressions I've heard the best looking games there were PC and Xbox One games including Forza Motorsport 5.

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