Xbox One Why is the reason for the Xbox One power BRICK?


New Member
Jan 15, 2014
I love the Xbox one..

But why is it so large and why is there one in the first place? The PS4 has an internal supply, and so does a PC and a laptop. And before you tell me anything about dust and heating, my PS3/PS4/PC/laptop has been running flawlessly for years.

So why the external power source and this large brick? This comic pretty much sums up my feelings.

(Sorry, for the lack of HTML, it wouldn't let me post this as a link. I don't know why)
I think it was a priority for Microsoft to keep the console's heat under control. Having an external power brick will definitely help with that. There have been a noticeable number of PS4s with heating and fan issues, plenty of Youtube videos about it.
I think it was a priority for Microsoft to keep the console's heat under control. Having an external power brick will definitely help with that. There have been a noticeable number of PS4s with heating and fan issues, plenty of Youtube videos about it.

I see. Yeah, I can see why. Been reading about it (and I remember there's a thread about this around here in the forums). Well, I guess they decided that if they want to lessen heat issues, just make it big. Voila, it worked!
its an inclosed external power brick. it leaves more room for internal cooling and general room for boards. personally i have no issue with it. i mean you have a 5ft cord why not use it and save room in the box.
I love the Xbox one..

But why is it so large and why is there one in the first place? The PS4 has an internal supply, and so does a PC and a laptop. And before you tell me anything about dust and heating, my PS3/PS4/PC/laptop has been running flawlessly for years.

So why the external power source and this large brick? This comic pretty much sums up my feelings.

(Sorry, for the lack of HTML, it wouldn't let me post this as a link. I don't know why)

I remember a thread here in the forums explaining why it's brickly-designed. It's all in the heat issue. Even some of the users posted their console set-up to show they didn't have issues. I think sc_shark mentioned he kept his console up to 32 hours!
I remember a thread here in the forums explaining why it's brickly-designed. It's all in the heat issue. Even some of the users posted their console set-up to show they didn't have issues. I think sc_shark mentioned he kept his console up to 32 hours!

yea ive had it up and running for 32 straight while bf4/forza/ac4 play... was a horrible 2 days lol

i actually did something kinda stupid but shows the cooling ability ofthe xb1.
i left the nfl app and had the espn app in snap on the side and left it in that mode for 2 days when i was gone for the weekend. i turned my tv on and walla hdmi1 was on an xbox was still looping the 2 streams... i got quite a few acheivments on both apps that way... im not saying to do it but im not saying not to. :)

you cant do it with netflix as after 3/4 consecutive shows it makes you push a button to continue the series:(

honestly i have faith in the xb1 at this point to not over heat.. i leave it on more on accident than i should(its in my bed room) if i leavei t on and walk out or its on and i go to a friends odds are its on for 24hrs straight. heck ill go as far as saying 80% of the time i fall asleep with it on.. i have gone into settings and returned on the sleep mode/inactive ability(its on as a fatory setting) basically if u leave it in limbo with nothing going it will automatically turn it of.. but with apps like espn,nfl with loop play the xb1 just dosnt care and lets it do its thing.
Microsoft learned their lesson with the 360. They know that keeping everything so cramped up is bad news. Which is why they made everything so huge this time around, do you see how many vents the console and the power brick has got? Having another heat issue with the X1 is going to be a major PR disaster for them.
Microsoft learned their lesson with the 360. They know that keeping everything so cramped up is bad news. Which is why they made everything so huge this time around, do you see how many vents the console and the power brick has got? Having another heat issue with the X1 is going to be a major PR disaster for them.

With the bigger console structure that Xbox One has it leaves more space for ventilation that way it could lessen the risk of overheating.
i actually did something kinda stupid but shows the cooling ability ofthe xb1.
i left the nfl app and had the espn app in snap on the side and left it in that mode for 2 days when i was gone for the weekend. i turned my tv on and walla hdmi1 was on an xbox was still looping the 2 streams... i got quite a few acheivments on both apps that way... im not saying to do it but im not saying not to

So cool. Well I guess it's not really a problem with the vents that this console has. It's way impossible for it to heat up unless you live in a desert.
I love the Xbox one..

But why is it so large and why is there one in the first place? The PS4 has an internal supply, and so does a PC and a laptop. And before you tell me anything about dust and heating, my PS3/PS4/PC/laptop has been running flawlessly for years.

Both of my laptops have bricks about the same size. A Dell and HP both 17" i7's.
Microsoft was extra cautions while making the Xbox One. Maybe they didn't want any problems of overheating.
I see people talking about it helping heat issues, but the Xbox 360 was infamous because it overheated, even with a power brick and the PS3 didn't overheat to death as much without a power brick.

I see people talking about it helping heat issues, but the Xbox 360 was infamous because it overheated, even with a power brick and the PS3 didn't overheat to death as much without a power brick.


But the PS4 has a well documented heat issue.
its an inclosed external power brick. it leaves more room for internal cooling and general room for boards. personally i have no issue with it. i mean you have a 5ft cord why not use it and save room in the box.

Makes sense. Good ventilation for lesser heat.
Microsoft definitely is trying to keep heat under control here, but yes I agree the console does seem a bit large especially with the power supply. I really like the streamlined, smaller case the PS4 occupies, but I still like the Xbox One's size and design. It will be interesting to see what Microsoft does a few years down the road when they realize an updated version of the One, perhaps in a smaller case similar to the PS4.
Is it pretty? No Sir. The function is to keep the heat inside the console under control, MS (and I'm sure I can speak for everyone here who's suffered from this on the 360) was making certain that the chances of a heat-related issue/failure were minimal.

I've seen heat signatures of each console running (google it) with images and video of how fast each console heats up, what game it was playing and for how long when it got that hot. Gave initial temps, running on idle, playing movies, games, etc. PS4 runs a good deal 'hotter' than the XB1.

At first when I saw it, I was a little like 'ummm-wth' - but remembering the heat issues I had on the 360, seeing the size of this hovercraft sized fan, heatsink, etc., I was in the understanding quickly that while not pretty, it's function is better served on the outside of the console.

Hope it's not too much of a bother or in they way of your set up.
I have yet to hear of a single case og the PS4 overheating, personally. Not I have heard of overheating issues with the X1 either.

Youtube it. There's several videos out there showing PS4s that have over heated or videos with PS4s having a crazy loud fan noise from over heating.
Youtube it. There's several videos out there showing PS4s that have over heated or videos with PS4s having a crazy loud fan noise from over heating.

Yeah, I have seen a couple of videos. But I hope it doesn't happen to my PS4.

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