Xbox One Why is xbox support so hard to get in touch with

Deep 1nsertion

New Member
Feb 25, 2020
The system xbox has chosen for support seems to be devised to keep consumers complacent with poor support for problems. There is no direct number to call so you have to deal with a virtual technician who wastes your time and really isn't helpful unless your issue is on of the predefined problem on it's list, then your asked a series of questions and asked if you would like a call back or to speak to a live chat agent, you answer is you would like a call back and you are immediately sent to a real chat agent because there is no call service support for you issue. After wasting 20 minutes with the real chat agent the assign you a call back because the agent cannot fix the problem. That leaves us with the call back where the agent assures you they will have the problem remedied within 24 hours, most likely to get you off the phone, and nothing gets fixed. but xbox live is a prepaid service so they basically steal your money twice once for content you cannot view and once for a non working service both of which you paid for in advance.

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