Why PS4 will likely launch before Xbox One


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2013
A basic rundown of this article:
  • Sony has provided playable consoles at E3 while Microsoft used demo kits of gaming PC's.
  • After the removal of DRM, Microsoft's engineers are probably trying very hard to deprogram and reprogram the system to the newer policies announced.
  • Sony usually launches their consoles early into the holiday season, both the PS1 and PS3 had release dates of Sept. 9th and Nov. 11th while Microsoft only had two consoles and both released late-November during Black Friday.
  • Xbox 360 released a year before the PS3, so maybe Sony will be releasing it first this time.

Very interesting article, do you think this will be true or not?

Via: CraveOnline
rumor has it yes... ps4 is slated to be out early november whil xb1 is due around nov27.... or nov27 is their fullfillment shipped date. its still a rumor i posted the article earlier... in news/rumors and under possible release date on email i recied few weeks back..
I'm sure both consoles will release around the same date, surely before the winter holidays. Also I don't think it's too good for the consoles to relase on the same day or week, because they risk it by giving the buyer with a limited buget that isn't sure what he wants more options. They much rather sell the playstation 4 in the first week with hype and the next week go with the xbox one release. It's all going to be about the advertaising fight, because most people don't care about DRM, internet options and so on, it's all who can make their console sound better. It's something that Apple does very well.
The PS 4 had a booth at E3 that a person on Neogaf took a picture of. The display said release was 11/13/13. Take that with a grain of salt because it is neogaf, but if you look up the Xbox One at the big box retail stores, it doesn't even have a "Winter 2013" release or anything like that next to it.

The only thing I really know is that the Xbox One communities have tended to agree that the One will probably release in November or December so if it does release later than the PS 4 I wouldn't think that it'd be overly long.

Again, take all this with a giant grain of salt because there's a lot of grasping at rumors and whispers when its easier to say the release will be the holiday season.
It could be possible. Microsoft did tell us the month that xbox one is coming out. Sony could make it come before november
I reckon MS are gonna pull it out the bag and drop the ONE before SONY Drop the 4.
I remember seeing the Pre-Order options for the ONE coming out a while before those for the 4.
I feel like they will both release very closely to each other, though I wonder how Microsoft's reversal on their policies affected the development of the Xbox One...
pulled these off amazon..

these are the dates for fulfillment on the alloted number of consoles.. no hard facts if it is the actual release date yet.

28 days in the top 100
Xbox One Console - Day One Edition
Xbox One Console - Day One Edition
by Microsoft
Release Date: November 27, 2013

27 days in the top 100
PlayStation 4 (PS4): Standard Edition
PlayStation 4 (PS4): Standard Edition
by Sony
Release Date: December 31, 2013
Stop using Amazon top lists.

And no chance it launches first and I can tell you why. The last minute jump to 8gb or GDDR5.
Everyone on the planet outside of this forum predicts early November for the XB1 and late Nov for the PS49
I actually would be shocked if Sony doesn't pull an early launch. Rumor has it that they have been manufacturing the PS4 for some time and are ready to go, it's the software holding it up. If Sony managed to launch a month before Xbox it's really going to put Microsoft on it's heels. Especially if people run out there for their CoD or Battlefield fix.
Maybe because xbox is having some serious problems with people agreeing with what they are doing. Ps4 doesn't sound like they are having near as many problems.
I don't think launch dates will be drastically different, as they'll both occur around the same date. I highly doubt Sony or Microsoft would wait around a number of months to release their respective systems. There'd be too much potential negative of losing market share to a competitor that gets themselves established. We've seen that happen before.
You guys don't know the official date it will release. your speculating by a date that one website put. While it may say end of November there, it says different dates on lots of sites. It's them guessing the best date people should expect so they know when the preorders will be delivered. It's not official until Microsoft says.
I'd think whichever console gets out first will be at an advantage. They will get the first wave of buyers, and perhaps steal the show overall.

For example, not everyone can afford two high-quality brand new consoles one after the other is such quick succession. And kids are going to want the one that comes out first because they are impatient like that, no matter which one may or may not have better reviews. :p
It's not surprising that the PS4 will be released first if that happens. Take a look at all that's happened the past few months. Sony has been basically sailing smooth since they revealed the console back in February, while Microsoft has been dealing with tons of bad PR, then on top of that reversing their whole policy on online and used games. The release dates won't be too far apart if the article is true, at the most a week or two but still, like someone said whoever releases their console first will have an advantage.
It wouldn't surprise me if the PS4 is released before the XboxOne. However, the only deadline both consoles need to meet is before holiday season.
As long as they're out before Black Friday, sales will be fine. Kids will be asking for Christmas mainly, since it is a big item.
Then everyone else that wants one has probably already re-ordered. I think it's good if they don't have super close release dates.
This means consumers don't have to choose which console they want right then rather than dropping $1000.
There is a sure thing, the console will be released in November.
Anyway, I think the date will be announced at Gamescom then have exclusive new announcements that we will impress.

Sony then took his lesson not to launch a console late with the PS3.

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