Will Battlefield 4 be better on the Xbox One or the PS4?


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
I have been thinking of which games I will get at launch and Battlefield looks great. I was wondering though which console would have the better port. It looks like the edge for raw power goes to the PS4 but does the cloud stuff factor into play? They do have tons of ram so maybe we will not see a big difference this early. What do you think?
it will be the same game i think. with ps4 if its not cloud based you will still have the multiplayer/look and feel but with hosting the raw power will make no diffrence.

for me the cloud will be an equalizer no one person will outperform another on a multiplayer title. their wont be an advantage of 3 people on one network with randoms lagging. with the cloud the latency/lag will be the same and takes the power away from the host. that alone makes me happier.. my connection is good but not super strong.. in games like cod,boarderlands2 i really need to pick my hosts or multiplayer wisely having dedicated servers changes the gaming dynamic.
I agree with most of what Shark said, no real difference. I believe it will be mostly preference of user, considering both machines are pretty equal in hardware. I guess we'll just have to see if either is signifigantly better than the other when they are released, until then it's basically speculation.
I think the only thing to take into consideration is which console you prefer. The game itself likely won't be any different between the two in terms of graphics and gameplay, and everything like that. I generally prefer to play FPS's on my Xbox over my PS3, so if it were me I'd go for the Xbox One version. That's just me, though.
The differences will not be noticeable to be perfectly blunt and honest. The technical specifications of both consoles are very similar. The only difference will be between the two consoles and the PC which can have significantly more GPU and CPU power to actually look better.
Well Microsoft is bragging about how great the graphics are on the Xbox One, and some games such as Watch Dogs will have a better city layout, and have better graphics because of their specs. If what they're saying is true, then I would believe BF4 would be slightly better in terms of graphics on the Xbox One. If not, I believe they would be almost the same with little differences.
i cant see them building bigger or more in depth mapping for pc or next gen console the money is just not their to develop that much.. the only reason they would is if microsoft was paying for it like they do on cod and a few other games.. and they dont pay for more game play ts usually early dlc or exclusive stuff.

the bragging is ehh.. we already know specs of the systems and the ps4 has off the shelf ram but its a better style ram.. the xbox is said to be modded or hopped up ram that is in line with the ps4 but till both systems are pushed to the limits it wont matter... from the chatter of developers a game does not push the processor/ram that hard so it would have to be a purpose test to see not a game/game comp.
First, the PC is unbeatable on Battlefield.
If you want to play on console, I advise you to have a Ps4 or Xbox One. The X360 and PS3 version will ..... no comment.
Try playing on PS4, because at the moment it is the most powerful. Anyway, it will be the same on Xbox One on PS4, because it will be the same version.

They will not make different versions in my opinion. This is the same PC architecture.
I dunno, hearing about the poor BF4 performance on the PS4 at Gamescom makes me think the X1 may actually be the one to go with here. Though it's been said perhaps they (DICE) brought an Alpha version of the game, and hadn't settled all the issues. One has to consider will the absence of DX11 on the PS4 be problematic for multiplats? Given that BF4 was built on DX11.

Also, for multiplayer...I've not seen *official* word on it, but I'll assume BF4 will have dedicated MS servers for multiplayer on the X1. The PS4, I don't know...does DICE provide servers for MP or does/will Sony? How robust? Scalability, etc.
xb1/microsoft/bf4 have dedicated servers. all the big aaa titles do for multiplayer.
the debate on ps4/xb1 is kinda mute at this point.. no one thought ps4 would take that much cpu to compute. so what they had in computing power they gave up for their ui... with dedicated servers/cloud microsoft has the potential to be less glitchy and a more stable platform for all games not just the host and those with t1 connections. the graphics are 60fps 1080 so it should look sick all the way around.
we all know microsoft will get the exclusive content and what dlc proably will be a month or so early like it is on 360 now. microsoft just has more money to throw at developers for the exclusive stuff.
Dice has admitted that BF 4 will be at it's best on PC no matter how powerful these next gen consoles are. They stated that the PS4 version will be a bit downgraded in terms of graphical features.
its apparently going to be better on the pc i read on this or the other forum i am not to sure if its true like but it may be.
I don't think it will make any difference. When i get the game it will be on the Xbox One and the Xbox One only.
I read an article on IGN that the game is not looking as great on PS4 graphically. could be the same programming issues of the past still haunt Sony.

And then PS4=Xbox One. They are both consoles with limited hardware and settings, so it won't change that much, maybe some frame drops on either of them, but nothing major.

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