Will Microsoft make a VR device?


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2013
Virtual Reality is no doubt going to be the hype of town next year when Sony starts to talk about their Morpheus in details. I'm most certainly think that no doubt Microsoft will jump on the VR bandwagon too. Just look at motion controls, both of them came out with motion gaming devices even though both failed. What do you think of my predictions?
Doubtful, but then again.. look at how hard they are trying to force the kinect..
Despite coming out with the Xbox ONE, Microsoft is pushing away from gaming, believe it or not. They're focusing more on Social media these days and things like that, so they aren't exactly bothered to try and put their hand in the market. The RIFT is improving quite a lot as more and more time passes, and it'll eventually have console support. Sony on the other hand is entirely focused on gaming still so that's why they are giving it a shot;

Ultimately, I don't see the Sony Headset going anywhere since it'll most likely be much more expensive then the RIFT and won't offer nearly as much support. Most likely being restricted to only the PS4 (MAYBE PS3) and only on the games SONY deems acceptable to support it. While the RIFT just needs a few calibrations to work with most games out now.

Either way, we'll see where things go, but I don't think Microsoft is going to even bother.
They could. The PC has Oculus Rift and the PlayStation 4 has a VR headset as well. The Xbox One sales aren't that great and Microsoft would surely like to boost the sales to have a healthy competition with Sony and the PC. Oculus Rift is doing very well and I believe that Microsoft would do something about VR. Like the others said, Microsoft is trying to focus on the 'casual' gamers by improving their Kinect and social features and stuff like TV instead of actual video games.
VR is hot these days so even if it's not a main feature, pushed like Kinect was, it's still great to have for those that want it - and Microsoft knows it.
So yeah, I agree with your predictions heavensdevil - sooner or later we'll see VR on the XBox.
I think VR in the true sense is decades away, putting on a bulky head set that makes things look like its coming towards your face? thats glorified 3D right there, I'd much rather a regular console TV interface, but thats just me I suppose.
I thought that this was an interesting question and I wanted to give my opinion based on what I've seen. I think that they will venture into Augmented Reality more than they will Virtual Reality. There are a lot of tech demo's with the newest iteration of Kinect where they can create an environment in your living room or wherever you might be and then you can interact with that environment. I don't think that they will turn from the money they've put into researching this technology. I also don't think that they will back track and try to sell more hardware that attempts to push VR onto the customer base they have at the moment.
Xbox One seems to be more TV and social media oriented, and it seems Microsoft is trying to be a Jack of All trades, Master of None. Sony is trying to focus on gaming, but even they're straying away. Even if Microsoft make a VR, people will outcry that it's a Oculus rift or Morpheus knock-off, and they're jumping on the bandwagon. I don't think Microsoft missed the chance, they just need to bring something revolutionary into VR.
project cars on oculous rift

i think the tec is cool.. but i think its past its "prime" late 90's the rift would have been the bee's knees in todays market the fact your so disconnected from therealworld and just in the rift becomes a drawback.. thats my opinion.. i personally dont want to be closed off from the world or my surrounding's

if microsoft really wanted to be strong on that front they would have supported it and backed it.. i think their is a reason the big players didn't buy into the oculous.. fb wanted it and thats great but for gaming idk i just think its oddthat both sony and microsoft didn't buy into it.
I doubt Microsoft will jump into VR unless it wants to dump cash somewhere into a financially questionable endeavor. Then again, that actually makes perfect sense for Microsoft. VR is years away from being what it's meant to be, and I think Microsoft will stay out of it for now. The Kinect wasn't meant to be virtual reality, and it failed to become something revolutionary for the most part. Microsoft needs some successful properties, and VR won't help the company.
It's hard to think that they won't. I mean when Nintendo got wet with the motion controller MS and Sony jumped into the waters like they're the first ones to discover it. I'm sure MS will have to have VR now that Sony is working on theirs.
The future seems headed towards VR despite all the setbacks that this particular style of gaming has had over the years. The Occulus Rift and other projects are finally getting rid of the lag/quality issues that mired other VR startups from making it big. Its still gonna take a lot of convincing to get everyone to buy and use one of these VRs, but Microsoft has the power and marketing dollars to help make it happen. If we don't see an add-on for this generation I would be very surprised with the way Sony and others are working in this space.

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