Xbox One Will the new Silent Hill be on the One?


Aug 21, 2014
I saw a teaser trailer about a new Silent Hill starring one of the guys from The Walking Dead. Then, later on, a friend said not to get too excited about it because it will be a Playstation exclusive (and I have a 360 and a One but no PS3/4). So, will it be on the One or not?
If we look at the platforms Silent Hill was lunched for until now, I think it's safe to assume that the game won't be released on the XBox One. Also, Hideo Kojima is the game director - most of his 'recent' games were never released on consoles other than the PlayStation. So I'd answer no to your question, but I may be wrong.
I pretty much agree with Booker here. Silent Hill has historically always been a PS exclusive and I would be surprised if they changed that now. Happily surprised, but surprised all the same.
Silent Hill is not an exclusive look at Gamestop and you will find Silent Hill 2, 3, 4, and later titles on Xbox and Xbox 360 plus some on the Wii Plus they have some on the PC. Also just because Hideo is developing it does not mean it will be exclusive I mean Metal Gear Solid V is on 360 and One plus MGS 2S and MGS 3S is on 360 through the HD collection along with Peace walker we will just have to wait and see I mean for all I know I could be wrong and if I am then well now I have a reason to pick up a PS4 because as it sits I have no reason to get one but if this is exclusive well I'm getting the PS4 to play this game.
I'm not saying that the new Silent Hill will "never" be available on the 360 or the One, but so far, I have only seen it on Playstation. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it eventually comes out for the One! I watched a friend play the demo on his PS4 and it looks absolutely amazing...

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