Xbox One Will Xbox One Voice Control Work for a Womans Voice?


Dec 2, 2013
A lot of voice control software better with a man's voice than it does with a woman's voice. My iPhone and Dragon Dictate work well for me, but don't seem to like my gals voice. What about a child's voice? Has Xbox live mastered voice recognition?
That's weird, but understandable since higher and lower voices have different frequencies. It may just be a technological drawback, but you'd think they would have fixed that by now. I remember that my sister and mom had problems with the DS Lite's voice recognition when they were trying to play brain age, but I had no problem with it as a guy. My voice really isn't all that deep but I do make a point to enunciate as clearly as I can. It may just be inflection, though.
I should hope they would have altered the system to detect a larger range of voices more easily! I haven't had the chance to give it a shot personally but as far as I know my female friends haven't complained about it yet. As Joker said, frequencies, inflection, and clarity all seem to be fairly important to accurately recognizing voice commands. With every year technology is advancing so if they haven't fixed it yet, I doubt we'll have to wait very long.
A lot of voice control software better with a man's voice than it does with a woman's voice. My iPhone and Dragon Dictate work well for me, but don't seem to like my gals voice. What about a child's voice? Has Xbox live mastered voice recognition?

From what I've heard, the Xbox One voice controls seem to do better with higher pitched voices than lower, so I'd say it will probably work better for women than men. So far I've got two friends with Xbox One consoles and one has a much deeper voice than the other. The one with the higher pitched voice (not that he sounds like a ten year old or anything, but still... he's no Vin Diesel) has a much easier time getting the One to do what he wants it to the first time he says it.
My wife uses the voice commands al the time to control the TV or most recently to launch Peggle and it actually understands her better than myself.
A lot of voice control software better with a man's voice than it does with a woman's voice. My iPhone and Dragon Dictate work well for me, but don't seem to like my gals voice. What about a child's voice? Has Xbox live mastered voice recognition?

Maybe there still working out the way to recognize more and more voices. I mean, guys are almost always making the consoles so there still working it out, I guess. Maybe they should have more women to test it out so that way, women can be recognized in voice recognition as well. The world's a-changing after all.
My wife uses the voice commands al the time to control the TV or most recently to launch Peggle and it actually understands her better than myself.

Voice recognition can be so weird sometimes. So poster here says Kinect recognizes men's voice better than her voice but your wife's voice is recognized better than yours? Just means Xbox has yet to master voice recognition for many reasons.
Voice recognition can be buggy if you aren't careful. You have to be loud, speak clearly, and the room needs to be as quiet as you can make it. I don't think that it matters whether or not you're male or female. I'm female and my Xbox One recognizes my voice just fine as long as I'm clear enough and keep any interfering noise down.
It works fine for me. Actually, this V2 of Kinect works much better with my voice than the old Kinect did. If you're watching a loud movie or something, you'll have to wait for a lull in the action/noise for the Kinect to hear you well, which is perfectly understandable IMO.
If you're having trouble with the Kinect then just do a voice test to make sure that the mic is picking up your voice, that takes care of a lot of the issues. It's also important to remember to keep background noise down because I've found that sometimes the Kinect has real issues picking up what I say if I don't have the room quiet. Other than that there's not much else you can do unless the Kinect itself is the issue.
I didn't have any issues with voice control. My wife too has tried it and no issues so far. She uses the voice command for TV and recording. I even tried an experiment. I recorded her voice and played it on speaker to see if it will work. Guess what, it did.
Well given a primary market is pre-pubescent boys, I imagine a high pitched voice would be recognizable.
Yeah, I'm not sure why you would have any major issues with the Kinect other than with the normal issues that you could have with voice control. The first thing that you would have to do is just make sure that you were speaking in the best conditions for it. It's all you can do really unless there is something wrong with the Kinect. I have seen that happen with the Xbox One where the console is fine but the Kinect was bugged.

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