Xbox One With all this hate for the Xbox One, how would you convince your friend to buy one?


New Member
Jun 19, 2013
After E3, a few of my gaming buddies are changing sides and heading over to the PS4. How do you think I can keep them from switching and just stay on this side? I am not hating on the PS4 I just prefer the multiplayer more on some games for the Xbox One.
People are going to make their choices for whatever reasons they have. I'm not all that excited about either system, personally. Aside from the upped computing power, I see no reason to prefer the Xbox One to the 360. Since there are still plenty of games to play for the 360 and PS3, I don't plan on getting either for a long time.

If your buddies want to switch over to PlayStation, I say let them. There are still plenty of people playing Xbox online, and there will probably be even more now that they've changed their game-lending policy.
No need to convince them anymore! Microsoft just made some huge announcements, and removed about everything that people hated! No more online checks every 24 hour, no used game policy. This is how Microsoft comes back! Now people will stop hating on Microsoft and their Xbox One.
I present my arguments as simply as possible, and try and compare the system's features to what my friend wants to get out of it. I mean, a LOT of people like to use their "gaming" console as more of a Netflix/Hulu/Youtube/Amazon video box. Nothing wrong with that, and from the presentations so far, the Xbox One might take the edge on the extra features. Of course Halo is a big reason my friends own the 360, and that will be a big motivator for most to get the One as well.

But honestly, this is going to be a tough sell to my few cash-strapped hardcore gamer friends. The PS4 is still cheaper, and did have a lot of 'wow" factor at E3 aimed at the gamers. To those friends, I wouldn't necessarily tell them not to get the PS4, but to consider waiting for the first price drop on the Xbox One.
When he has his PS4 and I got my Xbox One and we compare them after release. Your not going to get someone to change their mind before the console release unless there's something specific they don't like about one console.
Probably it would go like this:
"Hey Bob, wanna get a console where you could watch TV? Grab the Xbox One. It's pretty cool. They even let Sony have their way at E3 before making a complete turnaround with regards to their restrictions."
Probably it would go like this:
"Hey Bob, wanna get a console where you could watch TV? Grab the Xbox One. It's pretty cool. They even let Sony have their way at E3 before making a complete turnaround with regards to their restrictions."

The Xbox One requires a cable box plugged into the HDMI in port to watch television. The Xbox One allows you to control it with the Kinect. Like they said at E3, their not trying to replace the cable box, just make your experience better with the partnerships with cable companies.
Despite the recent announcement, I would still err on the side of caution when discussing the purchase of Xbox One with a friend. I'm not sure how sincere yet Microsoft is about this change. Did they do it to save themselves or did they genuinely listen to our concerns? I also feel the exclusive title lineup on PS4 is slightly better than the Xbox One. In the end however, the pricing point would be the reason I'd tell a friend why I think the PS4 should be purchased.
"It no longer has DRM and the kinect is schedule to not be necessary. Also, exclusive games."
You should always respect the opinion of your friends, and if they want to change, that is their choice, but remind them of all the exclusives that the Xbox One will have, maybe that will help?
I wouldn't... to be honest I just don't feel the sincerity behind their turnabout. There are also many things sliding under the door, because the "big" things seem to have been addressed. Sure you can use discs and you don't have to check-in so long as you're using your own box, but that doesn't mean they did a complete about face. I don't know... I just don't like to think of the fine print - and so I couldn't feel comfortable trying to convince someone else to.
The money really solidifies it for me. Especially considering that PS's online options are also way cheaper, and you get more. I was already leaning to go PS off the bat this go around because I played catch up later on to get through all the game series's I had missed.
The money really solidifies it for me. Especially considering that PS's online options are also way cheaper, and you get more. I was already leaning to go PS off the bat this go around because I played catch up later on to get through all the game series's I had missed.

Wait what?

I'm sorry but PSN isn't offering anything compared to Xbox Live, not in service or features.

I wouldn't... to be honest I just don't feel the sincerity behind their turnabout. There are also many things sliding under the door, because the "big" things seem to have been addressed. Sure you can use discs and you don't have to check-in so long as you're using your own box, but that doesn't mean they did a complete about face. I don't know... I just don't like to think of the fine print - and so I couldn't feel comfortable trying to convince someone else to.

I find it funny that people think Sony won't have the same fine print....

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