Xbox 360 Worth Buying?


Active Member
Oct 12, 2013
My wife loves the Assassin's Creed series so she's been asking me for AC3. Only problem is, I've heard through the grapevine that the game was pretty much a letdown. What are your thoughts on it?
I have heard it both ways. If I were you, I'd buy a used copy of it if you can find one for about half-price; that way you're not out too much money if you guys don't like it.
People always have different opinions about things, it's nothing new. You can go ahead any buy it since it's not too expensive. I personally am sick of the Assassins Creed series, it's pretty repetitious for my liking.
OP has most likely already picked it, but for anyone else considering it I'd say get it used. I don't find it bad or anything, it's actually a good game to me. I've never been a fan of chase missions (they're up there with racing missions, I hate those), but the rest of the game is actually pretty good.
My wife loves the Assassin's Creed series so she's been asking me for AC3. Only problem is, I've heard through the grapevine that the game was pretty much a letdown. What are your thoughts on it?

Personally, I had played a lot of assassin's creed games. Well it ain't half bad if you ask me. I've seen the trailers so I think it's good. But adding something like pirates of the carribean to the theme really is a let down.
I'd say AC3 is worth picking up. You can pick it up for pretty cheap now on eBay and Amazon, so there's not a huge loss if you're not feeling the game.
It's not an amazing game, but it's a very solid game. I'd pick it up because (as Outrun said) it's cheap and it does fill out the story. Then again you could just wiki AC3 or look at gameplay then move on to AC4.
I liked the Assassin's Creed games starring Ezio the best, but the others aren't bad, either. AC 3 definitely wasn't "as good" as I'd hoped it would be, but it's worth $10-$20 used.
Honestly, Connor wasn't the character Ezio was and his story wasn't as compelling or interesting. I loved the gameplay though. Fighting bears and such was awesome. I admit the story wasn't as tightly constructed as the other titles, but this one wasn't that bad. If you're really into AC3, you'll enjoy it. Maybe not as much as AC2, probably not. But still, you'll enjoy it.

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