Xbox One Worth it to buy xbox one on release day?


New Member
Aug 27, 2013
I have finally decided to buy an xbox one, do you guys think its worth it to buy it on release day?
That's a good question. I myself am holding off because of lack of funds just yet and I hate the chaos surrounding new things. However, I'm curious how many of our members are going to brave the crazies and get one that day.
Has anyone here bought other consoles on opening day? Was it a mad house?
It depends... what are your concerns and wants?

Originally I was going to wait until things quieted down in January after the holiday. I did this when 360 launched. I waited until the spring when a few more games came out.

I decided to pre-order X1 rather than wait. I'll be paying the same amount in a few months anyway. I don't see the point in waiting if I already know which console I'm going to get.
Has anyone here bought other consoles on opening day? Was it a mad house?

I had bought the 360 opening day but the GameStop (ugh) that did the midnight launch did it good. They knew how many they were getting so the 20 people who got one they let in the store while they kept the rest out, so it wasnt busy or anyhting. Honestly mcv3690 I think it is worth it ONLY on the fact that there will be ALOT to do. I mean look at all the games and features that will be avaliable. This generation will be ready to go when that console hits the walls. Now unless you didnt get a day one edition im not sure if you will get it opening day. Me personally I ordered 2, 1 from Best Buy and 1 from Amazon (Mine and Wife's) I ordered them both with the fastest shipping so when I take the day off, Ill wake up to glory lol. But To me I think it is worth it because there will be A TON of stuff to do on this console.
I'm way too poor to afford it day 1. I'll have to wait 6 months to a year after launch. Even if I did have the money, I'd wait just so the bugs and kinks could be worked out of the release day consoles. Also, there's ton of games to hold me over until then.
I'm way too poor to afford it day 1. I'll have to wait 6 months to a year after launch. Even if I did have the money, I'd wait just so the bugs and kinks could be worked out of the release day consoles. Also, there's ton of games to hold me over until then.

Dont worry ILL BUY YOU ONE!!!!
my concerns are the bugs and glitches it might have. like the xbox 360 there were so many things wrong with it and a lot of people had to go months with a busted xbox before microsoft did anything about it. i just dont want to get the day one edition to find out there is something wrong with it because well microsofts warranty kind of sucks.
my concerns are the bugs and glitches it might have. like the xbox 360 there were so many things wrong with it and a lot of people had to go months with a busted xbox before microsoft did anything about it. i just dont want to get the day one edition to find out there is something wrong with it because well microsofts warranty kind of sucks.

Totally understandable but that is th eworld we live in. Getting a new piece of tech. day one is always a 50/50 in many ways. But Im sure after the whole RROD and that cost them 1 billion, they for sure hope that wont happe again...buuuuuuut im sure there will be goons who set it in a small area or on the carpet still and will cause it to over heat.
my concerns are the bugs and glitches it might have. like the xbox 360 there were so many things wrong with it and a lot of people had to go months with a busted xbox before microsoft did anything about it. i just dont want to get the day one edition to find out there is something wrong with it because well microsofts warranty kind of sucks.

I waited until the next spring after launch to get my 360 and ran into the same problems. Even months later it wasn't clear how big the problem was. Even not buying at launch I still ran into the same problems.

The launch 360 issues were mostly heat. Those things got SUPER hot. There was no question as to why they failed. Once they redesigned it to run cooler, the thing ran fine.

Honestly, you should either wait 6+ months or just preorder. I was going to wait a few months and decided to not bother.

I sincerely doubt MS lets the same issue happen again. That cost them tons of money and even more bad PR.
I waited until the next spring after launch to get my 360 and ran into the same problems. Even months later it wasn't clear how big the problem was. Even not buying at launch I still ran into the same problems.

The launch 360 issues were mostly heat. Those things got SUPER hot. There was no question as to why they failed. Once they redesigned it to run cooler, the thing ran fine.

Honestly, you should either wait 6+ months or just preorder. I was going to wait a few months and decided to not bother.

I sincerely doubt MS lets the same issue happen again. That cost them tons of money and even more bad PR.

Thats how i feel. The sscrewed up big time and it cost them MONEY....alot of money. So you can bet they are going to make sure that doesnt happen again
Great responses, good to hear it's not been so bad for some who got the consoles early in the past.
I prefer to wait it out, maybe wait for a price drop. By the time I get a console, there's already a huge backlog of games, which ensures that I will never that there's "no games". Plus, I get to hear about whatever crazy issues people have.
I wouldn't be worried about getting a launch day console. There were plenty of people that had absolutely no problem with their original 360s. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I'd be able to get it in November or maybe even December. So sad. But, if I knew I had an extra $500, then I'd know I would have a Day One. I want to play Forza 5 and LEGO Marvel too badly to not get it day one.
I prefer to wait it out, maybe wait for a price drop. By the time I get a console, there's already a huge backlog of games, which ensures that I will never that there's "no games". Plus, I get to hear about whatever crazy issues people have.

I remember all the people who got the free ones from the M. Dew contest having all the RROD. lol I was like, well you got it for free, more than likely they rushed those even faster than the normal ones lol.
Best Buy used to have an extra warranty you could buy on consoles where if it died, you could take it back and get a brand new one off the shelf! Every time mine died, I took it back and got a new one. Needless to say, they stopped that policy not long after.

For those worried about the XB1, they usually offer an extra warranty on things at Best Buy. Usually those are a rip-off, but if you're really concerned it is always an option.

I'm not worried about it, that was such a freak thing. I wouldn't let it impact my decision at all.
Best Buy used to have an extra warranty you could buy on consoles where if it died, you could take it back and get a brand new one off the shelf! Every time mine died, I took it back and got a new one. Needless to say, they stopped that policy not long after.

For those worried about the XB1, they usually offer an extra warranty on things at Best Buy. Usually those are a rip-off, but if you're really concerned it is always an option.

I'm not worried about it, that was such a freak thing. I wouldn't let it impact my decision at all.

Yeah GameStop had the same thing. I had worked there during that time (ugh) and every year i would renew it. Until it really wasnt needed once the Jasper models came out.
I am feeling that i already answered this question several times in the last couple of weeks, but here it is again.
Never buy consoles on release date, never!

You are basically beta-testing the thing, not many games on the release date, the price is ridiculous, and you might just play other thing while you wait because there isn't much difference.
I am feeling that i already answered this question several times in the last couple of weeks, but here it is again.
Never buy consoles on release date, never!

You are basically beta-testing the thing, not many games on the release date, the price is ridiculous, and you might just play other thing while you wait because there isn't much difference.

I disagree with that.

Both the PS4 and XB1s are basically PCs now. There's no reason to expect anything like we saw with the 360.

Also, if you are worried about failures and reliability, better wait 12+ months to make sure the units all last long. Even the 360 launch consoles lasted 6+ months for the most part. I waited until the spring for my launch 360 and I still got burned. I paid the same price and had the same launch failures months later.

It could be a long time before a price drop too.

I was going to wait until after the holiday, but what's the point? The cost will be the same and we won't know more about reliability then.

The games thing is a valid point. Launch games can be scarce. I know they were for 360. I think the launch titles alone could keep me going for quite some time. Plus, realistically I'll be keeping my old console anyway. All you need is another cable to hook it up. Still, there's nothing wrong with letting the games get out ahead of you.
Day one edition will be brought home to me by my sons girlfriend that manages a Game Stop! So I'm lucky enough not to even wait in line. I'm getting to old for that anyway. LOL

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