Honestly. I've gotten used to kinect now that it's working without any issues on my side. I guess having it makes my gaming life much easier. No regrets having kinect on my Xbox One.
Honestly. I've gotten used to kinect now that it's working without any issues on my side. I guess having it makes my gaming life much easier. No regrets having kinect on my Xbox One.
It would work for me if I didn't like the new Kinect so much. I've started going to the gym and have used Xbox fitness a few times when I couldn't make it and honestly? I could feel it the next day. I was in a crabby mood because someone had ticked me off so I went and did (most) of the Moussa (sp) fighting workout to receive my stress and it was one hell of a workout and the Kinect tracked me beautifully. Between that and the voice controls while streaming, I definitely would prefer a Kinect with my One. I know not everyone will utilize the Kinect though and feel that a Kinect free option may help sell some more systems due to the lower price point.
It would work for me if I didn't like the new Kinect so much. I've started going to the gym and have used Xbox fitness a few times when I couldn't make it and honestly? I could feel it the next day. I was in a crabby mood because someone had ticked me off so I went and did (most) of the Moussa (sp) fighting workout to receive my stress and it was one hell of a workout and the Kinect tracked me beautifully. Between that and the voice controls while streaming, I definitely would prefer a Kinect with my One. I know not everyone will utilize the Kinect though and feel that a Kinect free option may help sell some more systems due to the lower price point.a