Xbox 360 Would you like to see a sequel to Catherine?


Aug 7, 2013
So, was anybody else a big enough fan of Catherine to want to see a sequel? I would be interested seeing as this was one of my favourite games this generation, though the story for this does wrap up quite nicely in the end. Perhaps if they did it with some new characters, added a few new mechanics during the dream puzzles and perhaps have more things to do outside of dream worlds instead of just being at the bar all the time, then that could be really cool. Heck, maybe even a female protagonist going after a male would be an interesting twist. :P

Would you be interested in a Catherine sequel?
I think that it would be interesting to see what they could do with the mechanic outside of the puzzles. I think the puzzles are spot on. I would almost take the story and twist it to something entirely different. In Catherine you had this whole story revolving around commitment, life, allegory, and a lot of folk lore and legend. I wish that everyone would have a chance to play the game. Its just not possible and Atlas doesn't live to sell 1 million copies. They live to sell half that much to people who will be like "Atlas just put out XYZ... I have to have it today." Once you play an Atlas game that's seriously what happens.

Anyway. I would change the story. I would say have someone stumble onto the dream world and start tossing people back into it. I would use the outside world more thoroughly instead of just a hub for talking to characters and a place for pure story progression. The bar scene was so cool, there was a time where I was sad that it would end so quick before the next set of puzzles. If you expand on those mechanics i think you'll have an awesome amazing game. I really think that Catherine was built by someone who had all these things on their heart and mixed it with some of the zaniness of the Atlas worlds. I don't think there will be a second one because of this. We all want more Atlas games, but if I had to chose between Persona 5 and Catherine 2. I'd want Persona first.

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