Xbox One and PS4 not as similar as thought

There are a couple of blogs that were mentioning that PS 4 might have an edge in pure graphical power. Now, the games that come out at the beginning of a console generation are usually not close to breaking through to the entire amount of power within a system. What they do, do though is serve as a tech demo of sorts to show that the console is capable of. At the same time, the Xbox One is trying to edge PS 4 out of the market of people who are looking for a full entertainment console. One of my friends said that the PS is what you go for when you're a hardcore RPG gamer, and the Xbox is for everyone else. I kind of think that this is a good description for this past console generation. The Xbox will hopefully keep its hands on quality games, but I agree with the quoted statement the technology and what they are shooting for are two separate beasts.
The PS4 is a very small could more powerful than the Xbox One.
It should be noted that this is not the ouissance who made ​​the game, but it will be the experience and the work of developers that will make a difference.

I think that the differences will not be seen on the games that go on both consoles. It's exclusives that make the difference I think.
It'd be good for them to be somewhat similar in terms of pros and cons, but different in terms of capabilities. I really don't want to see either company go under because they can't compete with the other. Right now I have no clear preference for one over the other, so I like to reap the benefits from having both consoles at once.
As far as cross platform is concerned i see things getting a little worse, especially when you have to factor in the cloud computing. But on a different level, this is the first time developers get to play around with these consoles. Things will get better after they had some experience under their belts.
"It's really not easy, but it's certainly much easier," Hines observed in an E3 chat. "I'm not trying to insult Sony or Microsoft, but they're high-end PCs, the way they're architectured. Though they're still in development, they're not done, they're much easier to develop for."

What they're saying is the development of games that will be on both Xbox One and PS4 is hard to do because of the different architectures and servers. Its apparently easier to build games on them than previous consoles, but its still hard to do.... I think I understand it. xD
For all intents and purposes, the two are pretty much identical, the PS4 might be a touch more powerful, but it really won't show. As far as making games goes, yeah it will probably be a bit easier nowadays, but it's not really stopped anyone from making games in the previous generation. If you want to see a console that's difficult to program for look up the Sega Saturn, that badboy has 2 main CPU's and 6 auxiliary processors.
Well... of course they're different. Sony is coming at this from the viewpoint of a multi-tech corporation and Microsoft is coming at this from the viewpoint of a computer corporation. As such how they set up their systems to process is going to be entirely different even if the specs are generally the same. Sony wants a system that is slick,powerful, and generally impressive. Microsoft is willing to sacrifice power for multiple capabilities. That said it matters more in terms of what they bother introducing then what they might be capable of.

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