Xbox One Xbox One Battlefield 4 Premium Members Getting Refunds


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Aug 31, 2013
Unhappy Battlefield 4 Premium customers on Xbox One are successfully obtaining refunds from Microsoft.

When it was announced, EA revealed that Battlefield 4 Premium would grant access to all of the game's DLC and Expansions for no extra charge once it was bought for $49.99 / £39.99. In the face of continuing and growing problems with the game however, many people aren't happy and are requesting refunds from Microsoft support.

It appears the company agrees that the current situation of unstable servers and dodgy DLC merits giving customers their money back, as that's what it's been doing. The only caveat seems to be that in order to get your cash returned, you have to give up your Premium membership status.

Source: IGN

Well I personally haven't had any issues since I toyed with my NAT settings, but many appear to still be having crippling problems when trying to play multiplayer. If any of you are having issues then this looks like a good solution to your Premium subscription; I'm glad I decided to wait on Premium. Everyone should note that MSFT has officially stated that receiving a refund will void your subscription and deny your future access to the content.
That's good I guess. It took me way too long to get the maps downloaded, but eventually I got them as well. It is certainly frustrating, but BF4 is one of the main reasons I bought a next gen console and they'll get it fixed.

As annoying as this is, it is pretty typical for a Battlefield game. I've played since way back when during the BF 1942 beta and when that game officially launched it was a total mess. You lagged so bad on the naval maps that people couldn't even move around on the deck of the carrier without falling off.

Still BF4 is just too fun. There's just so many amazing moments. The only game that takes me away from it is Forza.
i honestly have not played bf4 in weeks... ever since i had the random lobby issues.. i didn't purchase the season pass but may if the server issues get fixed and the maps/guns are decent.

we all expected a glich with servers on some level.. cloud,gaming,microsoft.. just sux for bf4 that its on their end.
As I understand it, the game has issues on all 5 platforms, including PC. I don't think it has anything to do with Xbox One. Actually X1 seems to be more stable than others. I know a few PC gamers that constantly crash in the game and I've heard that the PS4 version is buggy as well.

I don't think the cloud is to blame at all. I have no issues with any other games. Things have been rock solid since launch. EA obviously pushed this game to be a launch release when it needed to wait and get some more development time.

The EA servers are notorious for being terrible too. I know I had all sorts of issues on 360 with Fifa and NHL. The netcode and hit detection are obviously quite bad in the game too. I've emptied half a magazine into someone's upper body only to have them turn and kill me with one shot and of course I see they are using the exact same gun!
Man, I've been hearing nothing but problems for this game. First, there was the single-player campaign and now this? I even heard a law firm is planning to sue EA about this, something about the investors being tricked or something? BF4 is getting cornered everywhere.
the game is a huge undertaking with allot of new tec... levolution,massive maps,and the sheer number of players on each map. not to mention commander mode and all the vehicles...
the 360 beta went allot smoother than it has since launch... shurg sholders

i would think the big team multiplayer is really one of the bigger issues.. it forces so much data to be moving on so many levels which i think is where the issue really lies. than throw commander mode on top of it..

as far as server stability is it a microsoft server issue or EA server glitch?? so far microsoft/cloud stuff has done quite well imo.. ac4,forza5 have had no real issues.. a few getting booted issues but for the most part quite stable.

whatver the issue is its on all platform's thats for sure. i put my bf4 copy in the case few weeks back and well havn't wanted to play since my random lobby issue. with this news i will hold off a little longer i guess.
this popped up in my feed/news tonight.
he Xbox One update DICE meant to roll out on December 2 will also hit soon. "This new combined Xbox One patch is currently in testing and certification, and we will release it as soon as possible," the developer said. "We are hoping to get it live late this week or early next week. We will keep you updated. We will share the full change notes for this patch as it goes live. It will focus on stability and some of the feedback we’ve seen from the community, including a fix for the one-hit kill bug and Commander EMP blur effect."
BF4 has really been met with a lot of flak. Server issues, campaign problems and now, lawyers coming after EA. Not going so well everywhere for the game. Well, hope it doesn't go too bad for the company.
Man, I'm really hoping BF4 doesn't get too flagged for this. It's a nice game but then again, there's been problems I've seen. A lot. Some of my friends felt regrets buying the game,. I hope EA can do something and fix it up before my friends decide to shelve the games.
Let's not forget this is EA who is now infamously responsible for the Simple City debacle and so people are just tired of the same revolving issues. Sure online games will always suffer from connectivity issues at launch, but BF4 was essentially launched in a broken state.
So, its good that EA agreed to give refunds, but given their history, why is anyone buying their games?
So, its good that EA agreed to give refunds, but given their history, why is anyone buying their games?

Probably hoping for something different. EA was once a company that wasn't sloppy at all. Once consoles started getting more complex and stuff was getting pirated EA--to quote a term my girl uses--began dropping the ball faster than an 11 year old. Stuff was buggy and glitchy (which is okay for like The Sims, that fanbase actually digs the odd bugs and glitches of the pre-patch game), people had a sour taste about microtransactions and DRM, people were like "What's an Origin?!"--the list goes on for EA really.

I wouldn't say don't buy their games, but wait until they've actually cleaned the mess up. There will always be those who are going to get the game at launch and those are the substitute play testers (since apparently EA fired them when they were cutting costs this summer).
BF4 has really been met with a lot of flak. Server issues, campaign problems and now, lawyers coming after EA. Not going so well everywhere for the game. Well, hope it doesn't go too bad for the company.
Not to mention the Fifa servers are crap as well. Hard to find a club match let alone finish a match.
funny thing is the issue is platform wide and yet people still paint it like its xbox one... its pc,ps4,xb1,360,ps3 its full scale.. everyone just wants to make the xb1 look like the bad child.

its an EA issue i get it.. it will get fixed the game has allot going on. i pre ordered and have the game.. and have played it. 99% of the glitches that are issues tend to be server stability.. the game still play good. if you get a match in it feels good.. its the fact you can and do get bumped from the server mid game or bumped from the game completly from time to time.. i get this with ac4,forza5 as well.

for the most part the game "works" and in all honesty when i did/do play and get thru 4-5 matches it feels good. when i get bumped i get annoyed mainly because i lost my progression and time played on my 25%-50% bonus end of match stuff. you can tear EA appart for server issues. but its really not "broken" game

we NEED this game/server/system to work. you are forgetting the bigger picture. star wars battlfront is going to be on the same system,servers,engine ect ect... not to mention im sure a few other games will get cross over data and portions of the system/engine. so dont abandone the ship till it sinking.. right now its still floating and on 1 motor still moving and working.. when both motors go and start taking on water than worry.
It's a shame because Battlefield 4 is such a good game but in all honesty when you really look at it. BF 4 is a train wreck, there are just so many widespread problems on the next-gen systems that it isn't surprising that they have resorted to refunds in order to stave off the criticism. I wouldn't be surprised if DICE doesn't get to produce the next game.
I really enjoy BF4. I have followed the series ever since it came to consoles, and historically the launches have always had a bumpy start. I think the issues were simply compounded by the number of platforms that BF4 launched on.

I have Premium and I know eventually everyone else that is playing the game will also, but this news of refunds is a little disappointing to me as a Premium member because all it means to me is that there will be even fewer matches available on the two map packs that are available. As it is currently I am lucky to find even one.

I found the single player engaging enough to brave the save corrupt bug after falling victim to it about halfway through the game. I want to play through it again to collect the dog tags.
Wow, refunds right off the bat. Well I haven't had any issues with Battlefield 4 on Xbox One, but I did had my share of problems on the PC version. Either way, I'm liking and loving this game especially this new console now that I got rid of all the issues with it.
It is a great game but it's true that the problem is essentially that Battlefield 4 on next-gen has been having a ton of problems and I think part of the controversy is because of EA. They've had so many problems with their launches that having yet another one is making the issue with Battlefield 4 bigger than it really should be. I mean Simcity was a disaster that deserved the controversy but Battlefield 4 is just buggy not broken.

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