Xbox One Xbox One controller costed $100 million to make


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2013
If you think that the Xbox One controller took at least a month to make, you are incorrect! It actually took two and a half years! Why $100 million? Not all of the money was put on specifically the controller. Hundreds of prototypes were made, thousands of hours of user research studies, and creating new tooling and construction facilities! An insider's look of the controller was posted by sc_shark and looked pretty similar, but most of the changes were internal. The feel of it changed, Dpad changed, keys were minimized by a little, and a lot more! Was the money really worth the improvement of the controller?

Building a games pad is, one imagines, similar to constructing a grand piano; just a single malfunctioned key can undermine the entire design. This was why there was an inherent danger to Alam's plan - he wanted to take a forensic look at many of the Xbox 360 controller's constituent parts and see if they could be enhanced without compromising the overall quality.

It doesn't really matter if it took them a day and $50 to make or years and $100 million, what matters is the final product. You would think that after so long they would have mastered it and I hope that this truly is the case. The 360 pad was generally good, except for the awkward D-pad. I hope that this time it will be much better, but just because they threw a lot of cash at it , it doesn't guarantee that it will actually be any good so I'm not getting my hopes up just yet.
100 million for a controller? I can't even imagine how much the have invested in the console. That's really a huge sum. Wow! Now I wouldn't settle for anything less than perfect. After all, they have invested so much into it. Why would anyone expect less?
Well, I certainly didn't think it would have taken that much. It looks like it's mostly minor improvements and stuff, but does sound like there's more going on than what it looks like on the surface. The controller definitely looks fantastic so far and I can't wait to at the very least pick up one for PC gaming (if I don't get an X1).
I didn't realize they spend that much money or time to make it. However, I'm really glad with how much effort Microsoft put into the controller.
I'm super psyched about the design. I could care less how much it costed or how long it took as long as the results are what I hope them to be from the reveals.
Well, seeing that much effort put into the controller gives me even higher hopes for the XBox One. A controller is a big part of the actual design after all, as a sticky pad or a poorly set up configuration can completely ruin a system for a lot of people. I know that I'll get one, even if I only choose to use it for the light amount of PC gaming that I enjoy to dabble in from time to time. :p
Wow, that's insane. Just the controller? Putting the fantasy thoughts of how nice it would be to have that much money aside, I really hope it was worth their investment. Not to mention my own when I spend the money to buy it.
... I will laugh so hard if this controller sucks. Seriously though I hope at least a fraction of that money was spent on having regular gamers come in and try to use it. I also hope at least some of the research focused on maximizing energy usage - I don't know how much I spent on batteries for the 360 (I marathon play hours at a time). Hopefully this thing won't even need batteries... like my PS3 controller. Please be like the PS3 controller so I don't have to listen to all the complaints.
That's pretty insane that they spent that much money on coming up with the final design of the controller. Of course there would be prototypes but to have them add up to $100 million is certainly crazy. Still, Like Medza said, it doesn't matter about all the prototype designs or how much money they spent. All that matters is the final design of the Xbox One controller.
$100 million later and they still manage to let dpad look and feel like a cross right into your finger. Is it too hard to make individual directions like the DualShock? Seriously, if they managed to do it, they would have the perfect controller!
I really hope those internal changes are really something to look forward to!
That's just ridiculous. It's not really a significant departure from the 360 controller in any way-- and the 360 controller was fantastic, anyway! Perhaps a bit too big and a clumsy d-pad are my only complaints. Actually knew a gal who couldn't hold the controllers because they were too big for her. Her hands couldn't reach the start and back buttons from the standard position. It was really kinda adorable. Like a baby trying to play with the big boys. Bless her heart, she still kicks my ass at everything else.
Xbox One controller improvements

Microsoft recently posted a pic about the improvements in Xbox One controller. It actually looks like a lot of thought has gone into making this controller perfect.

Already posted but merged theards~ Pbescabar7

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