Xbox One Xbox One Crash to Dashboard or failed Games Loading has Been Fixed


Active Member
Nov 23, 2013
I haven't seen this problem myself but I have heard about it, I mean users on this board might have even encountered it. Let me break it down. The issue is when people try to load their Xbox One games they either crash back the the dashboard or fail to load at all. Well no worries because a fix has been found. It's worked for a lot of people but not everyone so if it's not working for you then contact Microsoft Support.

Xbox One Games Fix
Yeah its happened to me in BF4, randomly get put back to the dashboard, sometimes it will start right back up and sometimes it takes a couple of tries. Never bothered me that much though.

Now that I'm seeing the video, since Saturday I set it to Energy Saving Mode which is why it probably hasn't give me the issue since.
growing pains... i had issues with bf4 and getting in games... when joining it dosnt put you in a new game starting you can be entering on a game ending and bounce you out fast.. or get stuck on loading screen.

all on all not a big deal to me.
I had this happen to me once so far, but I know that it is just being wonky and will get fixed in the next week or so. What can you expect from a new console? They're always going to have some sort of crash.
Thanks, I'll try this when I get home. I am having problems with DR3 crashing and going back to the dashboard.

This has no effect on my consoles. I really want this system to work, I have spent hours on the phone with customer support, I hope they don't get paid more than minimum wage because they are useless. I'm so sick of this system.
i still have issues with forza5 and bf4 and ac4.. problem def has not been fixed. its not all the time but it does happen a few times in long play seasons.. it tends to knock me off and ill be done and go to bed. lol
If you have a problem loading a game, try loading another one, then back to the other game.

I had a problem loading a disc last night and it would go to the main screen then back home. I started PowerStar Golf, then
went back to the disc game and it was fine.
This definitely needs to be fixed ASAP by Microsoft. As mentioned before, I'm even having problems with Live TV again. Not showing any video.

Doing a hard reboot worked for me, but I've had to do it more than once.
By doing a hard reboot, will that reset all of my settings?


No. The problem is that since the console doesn't actually turn off and only goes to standby, the RAM never flushed out. PC users are familiar with this issue. I did order to flush the RAM you need an actual hard boot, so simply hold the power button for about 10-15 seconds, like wise you can unplug the unit. This will do an actual reboot like when you restart a PC.
Gotcha. I'll definitely do this tonight.

No. The problem is that since the console doesn't actually turn off and only goes to standby, the RAM never flushed out. PC users are familiar with this issue. I did order to flush the RAM you need an actual hard boot, so simply hold the power button for about 10-15 seconds, like wise you can unplug the unit. This will do an actual reboot like when you restart a PC.

Thanks for the tip! It worked! Fixed both my game issue and Live TV.

Wow, they need to work on there RAM allocation then, esp since this technically are on all the time. I hope doing the hard reboot doesn cause future problems down the line. All PC owners know what hard rebooting is not something you want to do all the time, since a proper shutdown is what you are suppose to do and you save the hard reboots for lock ups and blue screens of death. Anyone know if they are looking at this? I find it hard to believe that in all the testing that was done on these machines that they didn't run into RAM problems. What about others, I know some have said they have had theres on running for days at a time with no problems... are they getting these RAM resource issues?
Does this mean that it's still happening? I would have thought that by now Microsoft would have had a solution. But then again this is a launch period era, so I understand that there are still issues with the console. With any luck both Microsoft and Sony will fix the problems and they'll be able make sure that it won't happen with generation 2.

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