Xbox One gamer card?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013
im not sure where to put this so ill try hear.

i have noticed my forum gamer-card does not relay my xbox one games... my gamer score still goes up as i play but shows me on 360 games... wondering if their is a xbox one gamer-card or if its til an issue on microsoft end.
Our developer for the gamer cards hasn't finished the update yet. It's frustrating, I know. Microsoft has to do something to join the 360 and the One on this stuff. I have how I have two smartglass apps-one for each system as well.
yea i have 2 as well. they look about identical now as far as the dashboard goes. the xbox one is much better than the 360 was.. i havn't used it since i moved my 360.
When Xbox fixes the integration on their end it will fix it. It does this also on the forums. The gamercards are actually being pulled from's website the same way they're displayed on forums. Another thing I found with them is the new avatar gamerpictures that you make on the xbox one will make your gamerpic an avatar with grainy background. That's why many show up with the avatar and grainy background now.
My gamer card isn't updated either. I unlocked some achievements in GTA V this weekend and and saw that my scores weren't updated. I just figured it was another glitch since the roll out of One. I'm sure things will smooth out over the next few months.
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