Xbox One Xbox One in China?


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2013
Some of you may not know but for years while the Chinese have enjoyed online PC gaming (well recent years), console gaming is nonexistent. So now rumors are abound that the Xbox One may be making an appearance in China just not under the name Xbox. This is actually great news, I have friends currently living in China who are annoyed about the fact that they have to side-import console games.

China may be getting home consoles
I think they made their own China version of Xbox One. Got to hand it to the resourcefulness of the Chinese people. But will the games be compatible? Will they come up with a Chinese translation for the games?
Yes. From what I've seen the plan is to have Chinese versions of the games produced by the Chinese and marketed by a Chinese company and under the name of a Chinese brand. It would be the Xbox One but only under a Chinese name since the console is already mostly manufactured in China. So in essence yes the games would be in Chinese.
I've heard console gaming is already getting unrestricted slowly. According to this, companies like Sony and Microsoft can sell in the country BUT they need to pass through regulations to sell. So that means Xbox One may make the appearance. Question is: WHEN?
I've heard console gaming is already getting unrestricted slowly. According to this, companies like Sony and Microsoft can sell in the country BUT they need to pass through regulations to sell. So that means Xbox One may make the appearance. Question is: WHEN?

I thin you're right, well personally I think it'll take till the mid of next year before they can get in China.
Yeah, I heard the same thing. China's already easing their views on console gaming. If they can pass regulations, Sony and Microsoft can sell. Look at Apple: they teamed up with a well-known phone company and now, iPhones will sell easily. Let's see what's gonna happen with Sony and Microsoft.
I just wonder if the big ones in gaming can get through the regulations. China already banned Battlefield 4 from ever being sold there due to how China is depicted in the game (even made illegal too). So maybe they might scrutinize some of the features PS4 and Xbox One has. Man, sucks to be a console gamer in China when you know the government is looking at everything. Sure, they may get the console but what about the games? There's where it's going to be tough.
Even the games. Chinese gamers may not get the games we all enjoy, which can suck. Battlefield 4 already got banned in a snap. What about Call of Duty? Lego Marvel Superheroes? Ryse? There's a lot of regulation China may put on games just to get to their shores.
I wonder if the chinese still have a huge hatred toward the japanese. If thats the case, microsoft will win... imagine if xbox one outsells in china 10:1 vs the ps4... and considering the population is 2bill, thats alot of potential xbox's if marketed correctly.
I wonder if the chinese still have a huge hatred toward the japanese. If thats the case, microsoft will win... imagine if xbox one outsells in china 10:1 vs the ps4... and considering the population is 2bill, thats alot of potential xbox's if marketed correctly.

I wonder that too. But remember, there's also the regulation that games have to go for. Let's hope games like Ryse can make it. Heck, 'bout Dead Rising 3? Then there's Titanfall. All right, it can sell but can it get the games through? China's one tough country to please when it comes to the games.

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