Xbox One Xbox One Needs a Family Plan


New Member
Sep 3, 2014
Xbox One Needs a Family Plan they say you can share your Gold and Games with everyone in your household but that's not trye you can only share between 2 consols the Home Xbox and the other you have to have there Gamertag signed in.

Its a nightmare for Family that have lots of gamers in the house and want to have multiple consols but that does you no good because only 2 people can play at once I'm about to have 4 consols soon and can't even use them unless I buy 2 copys of games that stupid we should be able to share withanyone in the house any time.

Need a Family plan like the 360 but this time Gold and all content shared for upto 4 consols just need to allow us to add more My Home Xbox and limit it to a Home Network to prevent abuse.

Ya I know Phil says Game sharing is coming but when the time is now the games are coming the time is now need to take care of the familys buying multiple consols and controllers and lots of games
I agree. I feel like this is something that should have been available from day 1. There's no reason why all the consoles in a single household shouldn't be able to share games and Gold. I mean, if you've got 4 consoles in the house, that's roughly $1600 you've given Microsoft right off the bat! They can afford to cut these kinds of households a deal on game sharing.
Its on the New feed back site but very few votes everybody would rather share with 10 people and that's going to be like only 2 people at a time most likely and I could careless to share with friends I would rather share with the family I love playing games with my kids.

I chose xbox because I can't stand PS anymore and I had 6 360s and that got real exspensive lets just stay I had 5 call of dutys and halos just for my family family because I was buy disc I'm done with disc.
I've been wondering about this as well. There was suppose to be a lot more incentives towards families for both Microsoft and Sony, but so far I haven't seen very much out of either. I have a couple of 360's that would love to have some family share love, at least the cloud saves have been working great. There was a little while where I was having sync issues.

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