I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right area if not I do apologize. I read here and there that I'm not the only person with this problem so this thread is to help. I had my Xbox one since the day it came out and a few days ago the power brick started giving a loud noise like if you were to take a piece of paper and touch the fan or if the fan was rubbing on the side. I contacted Microsoft support but they said I have to send it back then will they be sending me another one that wasn't the problem. It is one week to go that was fine and another week to come back that's fine but it would take two or three weeks to process. Really? I can understand a lot of business is being conducted at the department but come on. Anyways I decided to do it myself (voided warranty) to the power brick only which is fine. I opened it up and we'll what do you know. Cheap everything the fan was one cheap plastic junk come to find out the fan got a little hot and started leaning to the side and it was indeed touching the side so long story short if anyone hears a whirring noise coming from the power brick it's the fan touching the side