Xbox One xbox one power brick loud whirring noise


Jul 24, 2014
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right area if not I do apologize. I read here and there that I'm not the only person with this problem so this thread is to help. I had my Xbox one since the day it came out and a few days ago the power brick started giving a loud noise like if you were to take a piece of paper and touch the fan or if the fan was rubbing on the side. I contacted Microsoft support but they said I have to send it back then will they be sending me another one that wasn't the problem. It is one week to go that was fine and another week to come back that's fine but it would take two or three weeks to process. Really? I can understand a lot of business is being conducted at the department but come on. Anyways I decided to do it myself (voided warranty) to the power brick only which is fine. I opened it up and we'll what do you know. Cheap everything the fan was one cheap plastic junk come to find out the fan got a little hot and started leaning to the side and it was indeed touching the side so long story short if anyone hears a whirring noise coming from the power brick it's the fan touching the side
I'm not sure how safe it is to open up that power brick, but that's good that you figured out what the actual issue is. I'm sure tons of other people are having similar problems and they'd like to know what's going on. Do you have a fix for it? Or did you just identify the actual problem? I'm not good with hardware fixes, so I can't think of an easy fix besides using a higher quality fan that won't warp due to extreme heat.
You took it apart? Why did you do that? I understand that we are usually reluctant to send things in for warranty because of not wanting to wait but opening it up with warranty is unwise. Unless, you know exactly what you were doing you might do more bad than good. Well, since it's too late now what did you do to fix the issue you mentioned?
I'm not sure how safe it is to open up that power brick, but that's good that you figured out what the actual issue is. I'm sure tons of other people are having similar problems and they'd like to know what's going on. Do you have a fix for it? Or did you just identify the actual problem? I'm not good with hardware fixes, so I can't think of an easy fix besides using a higher quality fan that won't warp due to extreme heat.
I actually fixed it it's back to normal now it was a simple fan flaw.
You took it apart? Why did you do that? I understand that we are usually reluctant to send things in for warranty because of not wanting to wait but opening it up with warranty is unwise. Unless, you know exactly what you were doing you might do more bad than good. Well, since it's too late now what did you do to fix the issue you mentioned?
Well I actually fixed the problem and yes I know what I'm doing. The warranty I don't care much for the power brick and Microsoft wasn't very helpful lesson 1 in life is don't wait for people to do things for you or is that lesson 9 either or problem was fixed the noise went away the fan spins normally I was gonna do a 12v intake and outake fan mod but it leave that for another day.
Did you replace it with another fan (better fan)?

What steps did you take to fix it? I don't have this issue, but if I ever do, I'd like to have a heads up.
Did you replace it with another fan (better fan)?

What steps did you take to fix it? I don't have this issue, but if I ever do, I'd like to have a heads up.
No I didn't replace the fan I open it up and notice the fan was leaning to the side like I guess probably from the heat yes I know it sounds odd. It's from being made with cheap stuff I guess I opened it up and bent it back in place and that was it. It's common sense not rocket science I did it with the power on so do it at your own risk. In the picture you can probably see the fan touching. Not sure. I would have done a video but don't have the proper setup
Did you replace it with another fan (better fan)?

What steps did you take to fix it? I don't have this issue, but if I ever do, I'd like to have a heads up.
The issue isn't really common it's probably one out of 1000 xbox ones my friend doesn't have the problem.
I actually fixed it it's back to normal now it was a simple fan flaw.

Awesome. Nice job :] I don't blame you for not wanting to deal with warranties and sending it in to Microsoft. Warranties are great ideas, except companies make them terrible by taking forever to process items and charging various extra fees for shipping and whatnot.
Awesome. Nice job :] I don't blame you for not wanting to deal with warranties and sending it in to Microsoft. Warranties are great ideas, except companies make them terrible by taking forever to process items and charging various extra fees for shipping and whatnot.
Well the problem wasn't really shipping or any of that I didn't mind waiting a week or two but they said a month and a week 1 week I send it gets to them they send it back within two weeks lol really? No I rather do it my self and if I screw up I put the whole system in a giant grinder get the dust and remains of it and ship that to Microsoft with a note on what I think of their system lol.
Well, yeah. I would laugh if you did that, but it usually makes more sense to try and fix it yourself. It wouldn't be that expensive to replace under normal circumstances anyways. I don't want to send something to Microsoft within days and then have them take double the time or longer to return my item fixed. Plus, you don't always even get your exact item back, especially if it's an accessory rather than a console.
Well, yeah. I would laugh if you did that, but it usually makes more sense to try and fix it yourself. It wouldn't be that expensive to replace under normal circumstances anyways. I don't want to send something to Microsoft within days and then have them take double the time or longer to return my item fixed. Plus, you don't always even get your exact item back, especially if it's an accessory rather than a console.
Yeah they sent my brother a xbox one that the inside smelled like nicotine.
It's annoying how the newer the console generation gets, the cheaper they get parts wise. With everything improving with technology these days, we'd expect the quality to get better but that's not the case. The same goes to Sony as well as proven by its myriad of hardware issues reported by owners.
It's annoying how the newer the console generation gets, the cheaper they get parts wise. With everything improving with technology these days, we'd expect the quality to get better but that's not the case. The same goes to Sony as well as proven by its myriad of hardware issues reported by owners.
Well I can't really blame them as supplies prices is going up they have to use what they can get. if we were to own a business too we would do it because it makes sens Besides you don't want to make something that's like superman then you wouldn't have a business at all you use weak parts you get all weak item. The item last but not forever and then they work on a new system the old one breaks you are forced to buy the new one. It's a win win for business that way at least that's just my opinion but in this case it's a simple fix with a stupid fan.
God I hope this doesn't happen to me. I get really annoyed by long waits.
Is it fixable by hand though? Or it always needs to be sent to Microsoft?
Yea it is if you have steady hands and not touch none of the power stuff when working on it and if you don't care about voiding the warranty to the powerbrick. It just void that's warranty each part has its own warranty system headset Controller etc.
Yea it is if you have steady hands and not touch none of the power stuff when working on it and if you don't care about voiding the warranty to the powerbrick. It just void that's warranty each part has its own warranty system headset Controller etc.

Ahh, my hands are pretty shaky, so I don't think I'll be doing it by hand if it happens to me. :P