Xbox One/PS4: The hardware questions begin....


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013
we all know the raw power of the xb1 and ps4 at this point.. many an article have been posted across the net about how xb1 dosn't have the power that ps4 does with ram and all that..

i was reading an article today about assasins creed 4 black flag. and found something that caught my eye.

hear is the quote from the article:
Ubisoft Explains PS4 Version of Assassin's Creed 4, Will Have Superior Waves And Wind Simulation

second quote:
The first thing which is going to change drastically is the graphics because we think that visually - with the stronger GPU, stronger CPU, a lot of RAM - we are going to be able to exploit this console and push the bar visually," said associate producer Sylvain Trottier.

He added: "It's a lot more intuitive for engineers, it has a lot more compute shaders that we add and put them on the PS4 . And all these new techs that we are pushing are natively fitting in the PS4.

these were taken from 2 diffrent sources...

im still all for my xb1 and dont feel its a huge advantage of the game... the developers interview already stated their will be storms and ocean conditions that change and cause damage ect ec... so how much of a diffrence can the ps4 really get?? it also states ps4 is not getting extra content or gameplay which is intresting as the last ac title had extended game play.. which leaves an exclusive for microsoft as a possibility.
I'm no expert, but it seems to me that the consoles are evenly matched in every category including hardware--speed, capabilities, storage. In the end, I think it all boils down to the price of the console, what the player is used to gaming on, and the games that are offered exclusively. That's why Nintendo is still surviving. People grew up playing Mario Brothers and Donkey Kong and that is what they want to play now. I pre-ordered an Xbox One because I'm used to gaming on an Xbox and I want to play Halo. I think Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo would all fair better if they focused on getting exclusive deals with game designers rather than trying to outwit their competition by offering the same things our televisions, desktops, tablets, and smartphones already do.
Xbox One is lower than the PS4, but the numbers do not have such a big difference.
Assassin's Creed 4 is better on PS4, it is true, but the Xbox One will have the same graphic quality. It's really small details.

On the PS3, I did not even intend to play in this version. AC4 will sue NExt-Gent to be sure to play in obtain best qualities.
The article he is refering to is taking about how the PS4 will have better graphics than the PS3 and 360 but doesn't even mention the X1. Common sense should tell you the X1 will also have those type of graphics. The X1 os developer already stated that the graphics look the same on the X1 as they do on a todays gaming PC.
well im bring it back from the dead. after all the talk this week about ps4 opperating system needing so much power to run leaving a smaller chunk for gaming than gamers were expecting.

The news this morning from Digital Foundry that Sony's PlayStation 4 will require a hefty chunk of its memory to run the console's OS -- 3.5GB of its celebrated 8GB total -- has a few scratching their heads and many a fanboy rushing to the front lines. But we shouldn't be wasting our breath on hardware comparisons that miss the point.

The argument goes that so much memory-hogging kills the soaring ambitions Sony had set out for developers. Sony surprised the gaming community in February when it unveiled the console and showcased its jump from the rumored 4GB to a full 8GB of RAM. But now the concern is that developers won't be able to tap the full potential of the new console's extra muscle.

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One hardware comparisons: More meaningless than ever | Internet & Media - CNET News
I'm fine with how the graphics seem to be going on both consoles and the comparisons are like stated above basically meaningless. In fact I would still be fine with PS3 and Xbox 360 graphics because if people spent a little less time on graphics but more time on the actual game then games would be so much better. I don't care how pretty a game is if it plays like ****.
man its really funny/crazy u say the last part..

i was watching a gamer review and open forum video the other day.. the one thing he hits on really hard is how little we are really getting the first 2-3 years of the console. i think he basically said the good games will be franchise an be follow up games.. we will be won over by graphics at first.. once they figure out the cloud and what the console will take the story lines will feel similar to 360 games.

with that said yes both consoles will look exactly alike.

he also hit on how things like local networking,social netowrking,multiplayer are going to be streamline and that will ultimatly be where one system wins of the others. look at bf4 battle log where you can see who plays around you how you can compare stats with local and not friends or xbl friends. he basically threw out the whole recording part(whichi s ehh for me) but how the 2 systems will bring you closer to people around you. this is something i can buy into s whole.. i would love to play cod with locals or to be able to jump into a game with a guy/person down the block who ive never met.

but yea graphics are the easy out from what he says.. till the games are powered and harnessing all the power of the systems and things in place to power how we play its all going to feel the same.
The technology used in both console is nearly the same, the changes are really minor and they seriously won't be selling any titles. I don't see "realistic wind" being a good selling point for the PS4 any time soon. What we should care about is how reliable and durable the hardware is. How often will we get red rings of death? How will it deal with overheating? The specs are too similar to actually bother bickering about.

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