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News of Xbox One's support for media streaming and CD playback comes in the wake of an announcement from Sony that its PlayStation 4 won't support either feature, despite being supported by the company's current console, the PlayStation 3. Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida later said he was sharing feedback to the announcement with the PS4 development team for "future consideration."
In a statement to Polygon, Microsoft spokespeople said the company is working to get Xbox One DLNA-certified. The Xbox One can act as a Play To receiver, allowing users to stream content from supported devices, like Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 computers and "many Windows Phones."
While Xbox One supports audio CD playback, it does not support CD ripping, a spokesperson said, a feature of the Xbox 360. It also doesn't support MP3 or AAC playback from devices like the iPod, iPhone, Zune or Windows Phone over USB.
This is likely only making head lines since Microsoft wants to take advantage of the disappointing news tidbits that were released by Sony's camp earlier last week. Either way I'm glad to see the support since it cements the Xbox as a true media center and living room focal point.
via Polygon