Original Xbox Xbox vs Xbox 360

Honestly, between these two, I choose the original xbox. The 360 is a good console, lots of good games, but i feel it doesn't have the same "mojo" than the original. I feel i had more fun at that time. Or maybe I'm just getting older.
Yeah I would agree that the Xbox original is a little bit more fun. There is a major nostalgia factor there.
This is a hard question because I have grown fond of both the original Xbox and it's successor the Xbox 360. If I had to choose one though it would be the 360. I like the 360 better because the controller was a big improvement over the original Xbox's control. I kind of didn't like the black and white buttons on the original Xbox control.
I think that the Xbox 360 has beaten the original Xbox by a long way. I will always continue to say that I think that the Xbox 360 is the greatest console that they have ever created for playing video games on.
360 has alot more games in general then the original xbox did but I liked the original xbox's controller a bit more..
I think this is a no contest for me. The 360 is vastly superior and most OG Xbox games can be played on 360 anyway.

The original is the only thing capable of running Metal Wolf Chaos, though, so it's still good.
It's got to be the 360, hands down. The original's controller never felt right in my hands for one thing. Too big and lumpy, and it just didn't fit into the groove of my hands as much as the 360 controller does. It's an issue I have with the PS controllers now that I think about it too. Nintendo and Microsoft fit the controller to your hands. Sony make controllers that your hand must fit around.
Personally I had more fun playing Xbox 360, it was a hard decision because Halo 2 was amazing on the original Xbox. I choose the Xbox 360 because of the all the memories I had when I was younger and all the moments I had online with my friends. The reason that really outweighed my decision was that the Xbox 360 had plenty of more games than the original Xbox, some of my favorite games that I had played on the Xbox 360 was the Gears of War series that I absolutely loved and had played the story mode more than once, the second game that I went to the store and bought again was Halo 3, I think many people have played Halo 3 and realize how fun it was and how the custom games were classic and I do not think a game like Halo 3 will ever be released and have the same feeling.
I think the Xbox is better, well not really better I mean the 360 is better technically but I think if the Xbox was given more time and chance to grow on people it would make into a great console which it is on the 360. But I like the OG Xbox, of course the 360 is more successful so I guess it's better.
The controller on the old xbox to me was a bit too big and I really think that it was ugly. I like the 360 a lot more even more then the Xbox one.
I would have to say the original is a little bit better. It was before the whole 'achievements' and before dashboard was infested with ads to buy movies and games.
I prefer the xbox 360 the only problem tho was they broke down quick. But like the original xbox you cant get achievements on them . And I love achievement hunting :) Had to create a new gamertag where I had to start all over again tho as totally forgot all my info for old gamertag

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