Original Xbox Your Favorite Xbox Games


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2013
What is your favorite Xbox games? My favorites are Crimson Skies, Star Wars: Knights on the Old Republic, and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory.
One of my favorite Xbox games I think I mentioned before was Borderlands 2. I haven't had that much fun on a console for a while, but Borderlands 2 ended that streak for me. I originally started off with the PC version, and thought it was so great that I decided to play it on the Xbox. Although it was similar, I still had a blast. I even played it on single player, which a lot of people seem to dislike. I think gameplay wise they're very close, but playing with a friend is a better option.
I agree with Splinter Cell, it's one of those games that defined it's genre. Splinter Cell was a little like Metal Gear Solid, and being a fan of tactical games, it really appealed to me. It's a classic.
I would say that for me the game that changed the way I look and looked at video games at the time was the original Halo game. Just something about the story line and gameplay that I found very unique. Not to mention the introduction music that to this day sends a chill down my spine.
Morrowind. That is one of my all time favorite games. It is just so crazy how much awesomeness they packed into that game. Plus it's so fun to hack the game and exploit the glitches. It's perfect :)!
Panzer Dragoon Orta, Jet Set Radio Future, Gun Valkyrie, Otogi1-2, KOF 02 (have no idea why I added this one and Outrun 2.

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