Original Xbox 007 Games

I own all of the EA era james bond shooters except for Nightfire. I love em all I'd totally get em if I were you!
I played 007 Agent Under Fire on the original Xbox and it was ok. It was a little bland and lacked the action that other 007 games have. To be honest though nothing will ever top 007 Goldeneye in my opinion.
Did anyone here play any of the 007 games released for the original Xbox? I ran across a couple of them at the local used games store and thought about buying one. Any recommendations?

Little late, I know-two years later, but better late than never-but I'd say go for it if you can find them for cheap enough. Nightfire is one of the better ones to be honest. I would recommend against Rogue Agent and Agent under Fire though. Or that weird Goldeneye game where you play as a bad guy.
Loved the movies, especially the earlier ones. Not interested at all in the games, had them and gave them away to friends.

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