Xbox One 500GB Xbox One Hard Drive is Full at 362GB


Former Moderator
Aug 31, 2013
Xbox One's 500GB hard drive can only store about 362GB of games, save data, apps, and other data.

Our first Xbox One that filled up stored 20 games and all 25 of Xbox One's apps. When we tried installing a 3GB update, it failed due to a full hard drive around the 362GB mark.

Any game or app you own will forever be available via the cloud, but the machine currently doesn't allow for streaming games, which would help alleviate some hard drive space in the future as Xbox One's library grows. Presently, external hard drives are not supported on Xbox One, but an update will permit it at an unspecified future date.

Source: IGN

Looks like we now know why there's no option to view available hard drive space on the Xbox One and it's because Microsoft knew it would enrage many. 362gb is a lot less than 500gb. Granted I understand that three operating systems can take up a beefy amount of space, but to have such a large amount used and to have no option to upgrade the internal drive is very frustrating. To make matters worse there is no available support for an external drive yet and no given late for when it will be available for consumers. What troubles me is that Microsoft will like charge a fortune for first party support and with no way over delegating your saves this can become quite annoying as time goes on. How do you guys feel about this? Leave your thoughts below!
idk. right now i am not digital but with the push microsoft had with all digital this was bound to be a problem in the first 6 months.

it dosn't suprise me at all... i made a post about size limitations pre launch about the physical side the ui is going to require and i would put money that the leftover space that is not useable is for that. you cant max out 500gb and expect any performance with streaming and the way the ui bounces between apps/tv/gaming.

all the update will do is enable a 3rd part devise to link space.. i cant see them being specific on who or what external hard drive would be in play. i am running a e3000 gaming wireless that has a usb port for external which if needed i will proably go 2t hd. but would not turn my nose up to a apple time capsule with 2tb networked wifi which in all honesty is my plan of attack.
Whoa, 362GB? That's.... well, damn. That kind of surprises me. That's like... maybe 60% of the proposed size. More than half of 500Gb. Hmmm... I guess I'll be buying an external HDD when I get my Xbox One then.
I'm buying an external HDD definitely. Not that outraged about this. Just buy an external HDD and that's it, I'm done. No problem. But I just wish Microsoft was clear about this. You know, like, they could've told us there was only this much in the internal HDD.
I have no problem with it, I have 7 games on mine and going from published game sizes, they total 109.47gigs in total.

It's going to be a long time before I have around 20-30 games installed, so not going to be a problem for awhile.

Of course I will add on a HD when available.
There's already tutorials out on making your hard drive over 1TB. It of course will void your warranty but the process is very simple to do. Its about a 2 out of 5 difficulty level. Maybe something to think about when warranties are maxed out.
Its still early. There's probably a bug of some sort either with the partition or something. It will probably be fixed.
i would love an internal upgrade of a hybrid sshd on the xb1... something in the 2t size... honestly it would be the best of both world.
seagate offers a 2t hybrid sshd

it would pick up load speeds and performance and not have the issues of a true high end ss hd. and 2t is massive for a console and at 150 bux come on... win/win.
An external HD was always part of my plans for the Xbox One and the PS4 but the problem is the 362gb. That is really surprising to me that Microsoft wouldn't just tell us that kind of information. Sure now that the Xbox One has launched there aren't that many games to take up the space but as we get deeper into the lifecycle I can see digital downloaders taking that space up. We do it on our computers all the time.
I feel Microsoft was a bit under the gun when they decided to push for the reveal of the XB1. For some reason, everything about the system feels a bit rushed. Not saying it isn't a great system and Microsoft didn't do a good job with its design, just that a few more months of preparation might have prevented some of the simple issues we're currently dealing with (i.e.: dashboard, notifications, harddrive space, etc...). Hopefully the solution to this issue will be resolved in a way that isn't too expensive. I would like the opportunity to simply connect an external hd to the system and it work.

It isn't a bug. The rest of the HDD stores the three different operating systems.

That's right, well not only the operating systems but most likely everything about Xbox one is stored on the remaining space. (Xbox Apps, Bios etc)
My question is, why would they act facetiously about it? Claiming 500gb of space when it's actually much, much less isn't what I've come to expect from Microsoft. External drives will solve the space problem, but we don't know when they will be released. This speaks a lot to their preparation level; where they have to lie about their space and leave consumers in the dark about potential solutions.
Wow. To go from 500 GB down to 360 GB is a big chunk of storage space "down the drain." To me, it's incredibly misleading -- to the point of being a bald-faced LIE -- to say that the unit has 500 GB of storage when really it's closer to half that. I'm not surprised, though. That's Microsoft for you.
Wow. To go from 500 GB down to 360 GB is a big chunk of storage space "down the drain." To me, it's incredibly misleading -- to the point of being a bald-faced LIE -- to say that the unit has 500 GB of storage when really it's closer to half that. I'm not surprised, though. That's Microsoft for you.

it has 500gb of storage but only 360 accessable gb's...

ps4 had this same chatter pre launch about their system taking up sooo much hardware space it seemed laughable.

common sense would tell you its 500gb bare bones storage. you never want to max it out as it can and will cause crashes and glitches. so they partition it out where an alloted size is dedicate to the running and stability of the system.. when 500gb was mentioned pre launch so was external hard drive chatter. this was all stuff we knew half a year before launch. we also knew the size of the launch games and all said its going to get maxed out fast going all digital or with the force of downloaded games to hd.,43191.0.html

Above is a link thats a tutorial of step by step instructions on how to make a 1TB internal hard drive for the Xbox one. The tutorial is made by Team Xecuter, the same people who made the CornusMax. AS FOR WARNED!!! this tutorial involves opening your Xbox one voiding your warranty as well of taking on the risk of destroying your internal hard drive if u fail to follow the instructions and links step by step.

Im posting this as information to educate people. Under no circumstances do I condone ANYONE of doing this. I disclaim and take no responsibility for ANYONE who tries this and messes their system up.

So everyone knows this is real and it works. It's been confirmed as a reliable tutorial of how to get 1 TB of memory with faster load times. The video walks through every step process and there are links below to obtain the appropriate documents needed to do this internal memory swap!

If Microsoft fails to deliver an external hard drive, when my warranty voids I will be doing this. I already know very reliable sources who have already done this and one of these people happens to work with Team Xecuter.,43191.0.html

Above is a link thats a tutorial of step by step instructions on how to make a 1TB internal hard drive for the Xbox one.

If its anything like upgrading a TiVo, its easy to do hardware wise, its the software that can be a problem.
Also the Xbox One is so new, I would not even try anything until the OS has been out a while and fully
bug fixed.

I have done this with TiVo's over the years, in fact my new Roamio I already upgraded to a 3tb HD.
I knew enough about computers in general to expect not to be able to use the full 500 GB, but I'm still surprised by how MUCH you can't use. I feel like they should have made this better known, and I also feel like they need to make people aware of how they plan to work around it.
I knew enough about computers in general to expect not to be able to use the full 500 GB, but I'm still surprised by how MUCH you can't use. I feel like they should have made this better known, and I also feel like they need to make people aware of how they plan to work around it.

I'm a little shocked too that the OS takes up 138 gb. That seems excessive.

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