Xbox One 500GB Xbox One Hard Drive is Full at 362GB

I'm sure a lot of that extra space is reserved for things like in-game DVR, game patches, system patches, etc. So many games seem to use the DVR thing (not just when you ask it to record). Still, they should have gone with a 1TB drive.
Yeah, all of us own computers and we shouldn't be surprised that the full 500gbs weren't available. I just got a new laptop and there was space already taken but the majority like 450 was free space. I'm pretty surprised that 362 was all that Microsoft could get out of the Xbox One and it makes me think that a lot of that space maybe due to the dev settings on the console taking up more space than we thought. Hopefully Microsoft figures out a way to bulk up the console.
again it as bound to happen.. and finding the limits already on the hd is an extreme case situation. the guy owns every game+ever app is downloaded at launch..

its what under 1% of the communty that would go to this extreme..

i would think microsoft as aware of this issue pre launch but didn't expect it to be exploited outside microsoft.. and i would think the 3rd part hd,headset and various other 3rd party gadgets/tec's would be out early/mid 2014 which for the 99% would have never ran into this.
I don't necessarily have a major problem with this. I originally thought that this would be an issue for but the size is pretty decent at least in my opinion. It's pretty good for this early in the life of the console and there isn't any way that in the next 6 months anyone is going to use it up.
I'll buy an external HDD. I'm the gamer who tends to install so many games so in case I get bored of one game, I'll play another game just in case. So yeah, I gotta get a new one. 362GB is not enough for me. Must have an extra 1TB for this one.
I'll buy an external HDD. I'm the gamer who tends to install so many games so in case I get bored of one game, I'll play another game just in case. So yeah, I gotta get a new one. 362GB is not enough for me. Must have an extra 1TB for this one.

Same here. Sucks but that's how it is. I'll be saving for a 1TB storage to so I can download as much as I can without worry.
1TB here as well. Or if it can support, 2TB. I'm heavy on game storage so it'll be awesome to have 2TB so I can enjoy all the games in one go. I need it, I breathe it, I live it!
I don't see much of an issue here.

I'm not much of a resource hog, so I don't see myself running through even 362GB anytime soon. It's a bit of a letdown, but overall it's not that big of a deal.

I don't see much of an issue here.

I'm not much of a resource hog, so I don't see myself running through even 362GB anytime soon. It's a bit of a letdown, but overall it's not that big of a deal.


Yeah, well, for me it is 'cuz I'm such a downloader these days. I've already filled my PS3 to the brim, so yes, with an Xbox One, I may see myself downloading quite a lot.

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