Xbox One A game that shouldn't be EVEN a game (but it is haha XD)

Yeah, you better believe it :p. This is the kind of thing that just doesn't happen nowadays (at least not to this degree of cheesiness). Could you imagine Mountain Dew or Doritos or some company that likes to market itself to gamers pay someone to develop a game as cheesy as this one and release it? :d

hahahahah... man, nobody would do that. Only Japan dared to make a game about Pepsi. Yes, why not? I wouldn't mind playing Moutain Dew. Maybe they would've made a beat'em up. XD Hahahah THE DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW PUNCH~! (Okay, that was a little cheesy right now XD)
HAHA! I can't believe this is a game. I never thought I would live to see the day where a game about goats came out. This is absolutely hilarious, and sadly looks like something I might want to play sometime :)

You and me both. I don't know, the game looks kinda fun. If Goat Simulator looks fun, I'm sure Pepsiman looks fun too ;-D hahahahaha
You and me both. I don't know, the game looks kinda fun. If Goat Simulator looks fun, I'm sure Pepsiman looks fun too ;-D hahahahaha

I hope they could make one without the pepsi logo.Maybe something that you can customize.
Pepsi game? Never knew they released something like that. When did they release it?

Yeah they did! Marthyrocks posted a video. It was bizarre that they made a game like that, but then again they made a Burger King game so I guess that's just normal(?)

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