Xbox One After Playing The Demo


May 7, 2014
Does anyone feel like this game will be better than Undisputed 3? I still play Undisputed 3 to this day, and I just feel like EA Sports UFC has an inferior fighting system. It's really jerky and it seams like it's somewhat of a toss up when it comes to transitions and blocking transitions. The striking in EASUFC is just plain weak! I really had high hopes for this game, but the demo is a bit of a letdown. What do you guys think?
I liked it. But you can't judge a game from a demo, developers use demos to see people's reaction and a lot of times they improve it.
Well I have only played a little bit here and there, and I can say that while the game is not really for me, I can certainly see why some people like it. If you are a fan of the UFC and you follow it relatively well, then you will like the game a lot more because a lot of it is in the names and the tickets and things like that, versus the actual fighting that is. It is a typical EA game though, in that it is pretty well-rounded and sound graphically, which is good. Hope you like it, and thanks for sharing.
Well, I personally think that EA games have always been outstanding from the rest, their games are pretty much better than any othe sport game, I've played some older versions of the UFC game and I've loved them all, I would have to try this demo to see how the game has changed and all that sort of thing.

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