Xbox 360 Always Remember To Take A Bathroom Break!!!!

Hahaha. This should go without saying. I take frequent breaks. I can't game for hours on end. I usually only game for around 2-3 hours then I stop and go do something else.
I will take a bathroom break between games of COD or Battlefield and try and go as fast as I can so I get back before the game starts. It's probably not a very good thing to rush the bathroom break either.
I take a break regularly. It's usually to get something to drink or eat and I stop off by the bathroom. It won't hurt to take a few minutes out to tend to natural needs. The game isn't going anywhere unless outside in the open in a bad part of town or something.

Lol, I agree plus you can always pause the game and come right back to where you left off, i meanno harm no foul, why take the risk of damaging your body?
I will take a bathroom break between games of COD or Battlefield and try and go as fast as I can so I get back before the game starts. It's probably not a very good thing to rush the bathroom break either.

Yeah I always like to sprint to the bathroom. I kind of make a game from it and I time myself to see how quick I can do it and get back to my game.
If you don't pull yourself away from games to have a brb or to eat or actually socialize with those around you it might be time to reassess how much gaming has control of your life. I don't play very much anymore but I know how easy it is to get so caught up into something that everything else gets kicked to the side and forgotten.
Yeah I always like to sprint to the bathroom. I kind of make a game from it and I time myself to see how quick I can do it and get back to my game.

Back when I was playing a lot I would have it down to a science so I would get back before the match started, which is the most important part of an online game imo.
Sorry to hear this although something tells me gaming was a contributing factor rather than the cause. Seriously though I tend to marathon game - and that means I can go up to 13 hours at a time before taking a break for food or whatever. Then again I can go months without playing anything... so yeah.
Of course, everything should be done with constraint and too much of anything is bad for you. As for that individual: it seems he lived a sedentary lifestyle and had a poor diet. That or he was already genetically predisposed to diabetes.

In the modern world it's really important to not sit for hours on end playing video games. Our diets in the western world are horribly bad, and we really could do with all the exercise we can get. Furthermore, it is due to the increased popularity of video gaming, that the national health care in the UK is being burdened even further as younger and younger adults are presenting with conditions such as Diabetes, which used to be confined to middle-late age. Keep yourself fit and healthy, that always comes first.
I take regular breaks pretty much every hour or so. A healthy body is a healthy mind and I can't concentrate if I have to pee!!

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